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Race and Lore Request


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Ok uh I've been working on just that: a Na'vi race that combines elements from the other mods. The only things I actually copied were the face stripes and necklace from here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28696

Otherwise everything else is mine. I matched the color as best as I could and included stripes and a few dots. So far I've only worked on the female version.

I really had to scale down the quality to get it under the max upload size, but hopefully you can still see enough. If you can, ignore the models cause I'm only good with textures.

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yeah, like I said, all I've done was that one female version because I originally made it just for myself (plus HGEC does seem to be the most popular). I just thought I'd put it out there to see if anybody wanted to use it until that other dude is finished with his. It shouldn't be too hard to convert it to vanilla, and that's what the male was going to be no matter what.
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You guys are not going to like this but it has to be done. I know I said I would release a beta version, but after a lot of thought I decided I can't go that route. I wont release my race mod until it is finished and I am 100% happy with it. Also I am taking my mod out of the public eye until it is finished. Closing down my WIP thread and removing all pictures. I found that the attention the mod was getting was too distracting to me, and making me feel unnecessary pressure. It will be finished when it is finished. I am not focusing on release, I am focusing on making a good mod. Sorry to disappoint.


There are also some things that need to be said, time for hard truth. I am trying to create something that I hope will be a work of art, but all I keep hearing is that as soon as I release, it will all be changed by other people. I find that prospect disturbing. There is very little that I would ever willingly allow to be changed.


Some people are under the impression that my mod is part of, or a component of your Pandora mod. Of course this is not true. My mod is simply my mod. It is not being done in answer to a request or on anyone else's behalf. You have expressed interest in using my mod, and I have told you that it would be possible, but that does not mean that I would ever be willing to surrender control of my mod to anyone else. Control is absolutely mine.


At this point in your progress I don't think you even require a race mod. In re-creating Pandora you've got a long way to go. Yes, you know it's a big project, but to put it in proper perspective for those who don't, what you are attempting to do is like a unique landscape mod that encompasses an entire world space. It will be very time consuming.


It has been suggested to you by others that a modular approach would be best. I agree with this and I believe it would be your best chance of success.


It has also been suggested that your mod should support the default Bethesda bodies. I also agree with this. At the very least you should be supporting the most popular bodies if you want your mod to be accessible to the largest number of people. That would mean HGEC and Roberts 4. My mod is Bab and Roberts 5. If you use my mod, then your mod will have to be Bab and Roberts 5 because I will insist on it. There will be no compromise.


I know I said I would allow a conversion to HGEC as long as it was in patch form, but I will probably renege on that. I strongly dislike HGEC and I will not do anything that will support the further advance of HGEC.


To give you a better idea of where I'm really coming from as a modder, just give a thought to the Daedric Lord Armour I converted to Eshme. That's right, Eshme not HGEC. I knew going in that it wouldn't get a lot of downloads, I didn't care. So far it has around 1200 downloads. If it were HGEC it would have many thousands of downloads. Doesn't matter. What I was doing with that mod was making a statement.


It could be a long time before my Na'vi is released, if you still want to use it at that time then we'll talk. If you really feel it is necessary to incorporate a race mode into Pandora at this time then you should adopt one of the already released versions. If it's not everything you want it to be, then work with it. Make it what you want it to be. I get the impression that the authors of those mods would be willing to accommodate you and they would be thrilled to be a part of your project.


Ultimately I don't think the success of your project is dependant on the race mod. Pandora needs to be your work of art. Make it stunning, make it breathtaking, make us awestruck when we see it. If you can do that, then I will make a patch for my mod to make it compatible with yours. Fantasy Figures modders will make a patch, Roberts female will make a patch, and yes even HGEC will make a patch.


You might not hear from me again for a long time. I'm going to disappear for a while. I hope you are successful, I really and truly do. I look forward to playing my Na'vi on your Pandora. :)


RGMage's exact words, as I cannot speak for him.

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DO NOT speak for me I speak for myself and i didnt say anything like that


it just annoyyed me that he got annoyyed and deciced to go in hideing that all cuase i wanted to use his race it was sooo good :)

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Sorry to butt in on your mod, but I spotted the debate over body mod, and I can safely say most people with a female character probably use HGEC or Exnems, and very, very few use the vanilla bodies, so it's probably be a mistake to make your race for them.


Roberts male and HGEC will get you the widest 'costumer base,' if you'll excuse the phrase.

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