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Race and Lore Request


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i would like to take this momant to just say that it was extreamly inconviennt to have had rg saying we could use his mod and tweak little things to suit our needs and then having him revoke that privalage leaving us without a race to use for our npc's and pc's.


while it was inconvieniant, we will perservere for all the Dedicated people that have helped inspire us and keep us going on.


if it wasnt for people like


l33nexus for his inventive ideas, amazing weapons and all around good cheer about helping us


kieranfoy despite how several of us acted towards him regarding his constructive critisism. we have heard what he has said and thanks to his insight we toned down our expectations to make it more realistic little by little.


just to name a few,


the support this mod has received has made working on this mod well worth the time and effort, and i have been rewarded greatly by the learning experiances by this mod and modding team.



after reading the last bits of this post it looks almost likle a resignation thing lolz




snyhoe enough rambling,


cheers everyone



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last i talked to rayne i thaught we were using hgec



we will use w/e we use when that time comes ...isnt that hard to convert ther are many people that will probably do it we arnt the ones making the clothing as i know atm and For your information my tabaxi in my vids is using HGEC thank you very much :P thats just the female side anyway


HGEC and Vanillia will mostliky be what we are useing when no idea thats abit down the road imo



Why not make seperate plugins? HGEC/Robert M B Navi races?



i personally use those hgec and Roberts anyway :thumbsup:

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No, we will use vanilla bodies, no matter what anyone say.

Really? Set in stone, is it? Decreed by some Higher Power?


Shame, really. Half your downloaders, gone with a single sentance.



read my post above yours plz thank you :)

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