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Race and Lore Request


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One more thing there is a face editor in cs maybe we (sorry you) don't have to do a face model cause it is difficult in 3d programs if you can model the face already in cs (the editor face editor has an possibillieties to make any face model)


Sorry for poor english (polish scum :P )

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I think we are OK at the moment CC we don't want to overload ourselves with ideas because I'll be the one who gets it in the neck... then into blender. XD


Anyway let's just let us concentrate on the important stuff and the stuff on the list

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And one more thing i ask you who will you fight if there will be no RDA? Without-fight-mod ?


oops sorry late-post


maybe telled in movie "time of great sorrow" when clans fights between they


And what about the music?


And....(s*** up you noisy sxawn)

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And one more thing i ask you who will you fight if there will be no RDA? Without-fight-mod ?


oops sorry late-post


maybe telled in movie "time of great sorrow" when clans fights between they


And what about the music?


And....(s*** up you noisy sxawn)



when Am ready i will post an intro story but right now i can not updated the first page with the progress ( since well if i try i get a server errror thus my first post cant be changed :(


we no the issue an Challenges that we face the team as heard me more then once about them * hehe alot*


about the Ikran it will be a Pet/Companion you will not fly it as flying in oblivion has only one thing faster location to location .. we dont want that in something we take time to do with all the stuff on the ground/tree's


If some bright mind figures how to make flying in oblivion have more then one thing then sure ( but i doubt it) .. IF when Deadly reflex gets out .. Horse combat should be Neat


About a Na'vi race ....We may pick one .. or we May make are own (Hgec)


below is an idea

also about Spells/magic my idea was to have Na'vi Magically STUNTED zero Mana thuogh they would have Access to powerful Spirit and abilities


( some sort of healing skill fast regen with a resist normal weapon for a certain time ( 30s) with a cool-down (1min?)

and area effect Stun skill ( with a cool-down (2 min)?

and mybe some more ideas used from the game


all scripted spells and my-be a scripted custom magic system to manage Spirit (mana for na'vi) use etc


just a little thuogh can be expanded on its very possible thuogh i would need scripters for this but this is a long ways down the road


when we are ready to get more people there wil be a WIP thread till then we are going to get the NEW custom MADE land done


end of idea's


Also to add i may in time contact the OOO and MMM people Respectful and see what we can do take make the Pandora wildlife and ..Npc level difference to be used in Pandora i haven't looked in detail about it yet either its scripts or manuely set i do not know


also MMM and OOO have inter Faction and outer relationships ( packs OF X animal will attack packs of X animal but will Stop when a Single DANGEROUS enemy they both don't like and will killed it then kill each other after ( example wolfs attack bandits but a GIANT comes in and they try to kill it or a group of undead THAT adds alot to the Environment


and could be interesting when are (evil group trys to attack are GOOD group .. and the wildlife takes a different turn) :D



all i can think about atm :)



edit ( am pretty sure MMM just adds new monsters) ....

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