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Race and Lore Request


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@ MidnightsMistress Icon

depends what u can do .. i cant ..think up a job on the spot if i dont know what u can do




i just nuked my oblivion and deleted everything game pissed me off something Huge let say i had alot of time involved in this one save and the game completely just shat itself and stooped working


i wont be reinstalling oblivion until i get a new computer when ever that is i do not know


peace out




Soo i started redoing it as its a cancer lol ...note to self screw vampire mods every-which way


am going OOO MMM Suprem magica and Deadly Reflex and Oblivion XP ... that it for core changers for me

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i just nuked my oblivion and deleted everything game pissed me off something Huge let say i had alot of time involved in this one save and the game completely just shat itself and stooped working


i wont be reinstalling oblivion until i get a new computer when ever that is i do not know


peace out




Soo i started redoing it as its a cancer lol ...note to self screw vampire mods every-which way


am going OOO MMM Suprem magica and Deadly Reflex and Oblivion XP ... that it for core changers for me

ermm... you sayed no bitching , nothing bad on mind but not everyone wants to now how often is your oblivion crashing

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i just nuked my oblivion and deleted everything game pissed me off something Huge let say i had alot of time involved in this one save and the game completely just shat itself and stooped working


i wont be reinstalling oblivion until i get a new computer when ever that is i do not know


peace out


Soo i started redoing it as its a cancer lol ...note to self screw vampire mods every-which way


am going OOO MMM Suprem magica and Deadly Reflex and Oblivion XP ... that it for core changers for me

ermm... you sayed no bitching , nothing bad on mind but not everyone wants to now how often is your oblivion crashing



lets just say i kinda need an oblivion to .. um test the mod along side other mods for community's happyness its on topic about oblivion and modding .. would u rather me say nothing and pandora gets out and crashes with certain mods i think not that why am running the best core changers OOO MMM Surpreme magika deadly reflex and a vamp mod.(Fcom dies way to much) on a monthly bases i have to redo oblivion becuase am always adding or changing this and that. so with that said am pretty sure my team would want to know.


Now if your going to sit on this thread and Nit pick everyone's post your no better then

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Hey guys and girls I'm fairly new here but after reading many of the posts on this thread i would like to volunteer to help with the mod.


I have pretty good experience with Photo Shop and i also have a lot of free time and once i start something i am pretty determined to finish it ( you can thank my mild OCD for that :rolleyes: ).


Whatever i can do to help this mod become a reality i will if its within my power, thanks a lot guys, just for starting this.


PS while doing some browsing around the net i ran into this http://www.learnnavi.org/docs/Learn-Navi-Activity-Book.pdf I'm not sure if it has already been posted yet but if any of the voice actors are looking for a place to start its right there.



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