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Race and Lore Request


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well hello everyon .....u guys still alive right??


can anyone find


xaulete's loading screenS? she posted tthem somewhere


and @


xaulete are u alive?? whats ur progress on the loading screens??


@ rob just wants plants :*(


L33 hows the learning on better textures going?

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No, I am not alive. I was killed by a Mord'Sith and accepted the kepper's deal to become a baneling, to stay alive I have to kill someone each day, which leaves little time for modding I'm afraid...


bad you

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hey guys i have officialy risen from the dead and im gonna start working on the race again seeing how my exams are finally over we just have 2 wrap up days then its the summer for me so im gonna start working


SKYPE !!!! when u can :D

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