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I have no idea what my password is


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I can't remember my password as i havent logged in since i stopped playing Fallout 3. Somehow this site remembers my password. But i have no idea what that password is. I can't log into any of the nexus sites. I started playing Dragon age now and i want to join the mod community here.


I've tried to reset my password multiple times but im not getting a validation email, I've fiddle with every possible setting to clear filters or disable filters through the email. I've even setup new accounts with different email providers but so far none of the 3 email providers or accounts ive set up are getting emails from you. Starting to think that the problem is on your end.


But I can post on the forums and log in here with no idea what my password is. But I can't get on to any of the other sites.


Please Help or give me a lead all i need is a password reset or a validation email or something. I've been trying for 3 days now.

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So here's a list of things i've tried so far-


resetting my password through the site

different email accounts

multiple new accounts w/ different email accounts

somehow site transfering from 1 site to another

tried 3 different browsers chrome, explorer, firefox

copy and pasting the little password dots into a new text box and into notepad

changing all email filters on email accounts

accessing the websites w and w/o proxys




internet jesus hates me

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I've tried resetting my password but i never get a validation email, also is there a different password/login name for each nexus site tes, fo3 dan?


I read somewhere that sometimes hotmail users have issues with receiving validation emails (if you're a hotmail user).


And an account made on the Nexus forums itself should work with the same username and password on all of the Nexus sister sites.

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I have reset your password, check you pm's.


You only need one username to access the sites., the password for one is the password for all. Each site and the forums do require a separate sign in though.

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  • 11 months later...



I'm trying to change my password on this system. I went to the link above in hopes that information would be there, but it seems to be the home menu for the forums and not info on changing or resetting my password. I'm assuming that the procedure has changed since a year ago. How can I change my password here and at the file-upload site?



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