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Fatigue drain, permanent and invisible


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Hi people, as the title says I've run into a pretty annoying issue. I was trying several fatigue mods, and although I believe I followed their respective uninstallation procedures, it seems something's been screwed up. Currently it's like I had a constant effect draining 66 fatigue pts, but it doesn't show up in the constant effects tab. My fatigue regenerates ok, but when it reaches my (max fatigue -66) it stops regenerating, like if that were it's maximum. The same happens with Speed and Agility, both are "capped" at a very low value, but they appear in red, like they're below their base value, but no matter if I modActorValue or pray at an altar, they don't grow above that level and still in red.


The mods I've tried was Tejón's Fatigue Effects, Kuertee's Inventory is a Backpack, DA Running Revised (+ DA Fatigue? + Reduced backward running speed, I don't remember exactly their names), I think that's all.


By now I've increased my base stats to compensate the loss, but it doesn't fix it, as there are some calcs the game performs considering the percentage of fatigue instead of your total amount, and my percentage will never reach 100 because there's always 66 pts drained, well, that I'd like to fix it, so if someone knows how could I revert this drain, if possible, that'd be much appreciated.

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Sounds nasty. But familiar. I'm sure somebody else had similar problems recently. IIRC the proposed solution involved checking for/removing references to uninstalled mods in the savefile with some utility (TES4edit??).


But first the obvious question - I suppose you don't have a savefile kept from before you installed the fatigue mods?

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The problem is likely related to a fatigue mod which makes use of a scripted function to change fatigue. This sort of thing can't really be undone in the normal way, and requires scripting in order to solve it. This is generally why you should stay away from fatigue, realism, and leveling mods which use complicated scripting unless that mod is both made by someone who knows what they're doing, and who uses OBSE properly.


To solve it, you would need to make a script. The script needs to be something that you would only activate once, or which would only trigger once, but would leave no lasting trace if removed. The easiest way to do this would be to create an inventory item in the CS, like a ring. Attach the following script to the ring:

scn VG0GenericStatFixRingScriptforGrm

begin onequip
player.modav fatigue 66
player.unequipitem <ID of item>
player.removeitem <ID of item> 1

Replace the <ID of item> part with the form ID of the ring after you have created one from a duplicate of a vanilla ring.


Then, in the render window, place the ring in some vanilla space which isn't too far from your current location and likely isn't being altered by any of your mods. Edit the placed reference and change the ownership to the player.


Simply load up the mod, pick up the ring, wear it, it'll fix your stat and go poof. You can then save and disable the mod.

Edited by Vagrant0
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