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Female Only armor change to allow Male use?


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All right sounds good, I am going to def. post my progress on this and work on it, ill have to brush up on some of the nifskopery and blender things but Im sure I can do it. Hopefully with all the free time I will have in the future.


And yes, I have planned this only to be a personal thing, didnt plan to upload without permission just more of a personal goal.



If it turns out well, you might like to share it. Keep your options open and keep track of what you use in your projects. You never know when you might like to share something with others, and that's a very nice looking armor. If you don't keep track, it makes it harder to decide to share, and that's a shame.

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Oh for sure I will def ask permission if I could share it if it does turn out very good. It would be just amazing for one person to contain XD


And yes, I will be sure if the first one comes out very well, to collateral a NON loin cloth version for those who just hate that stuff :P

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Oh for sure I will def ask permission if I could share it if it does turn out very good. It would be just amazing for one person to contain XD


And yes, I will be sure if the first one comes out very well, to collateral a NON loin cloth version for those who just hate that stuff :P




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Okay so I found all the mshes I want to use, just basically changing the top pieces and a few curiasses i might try out, basically everything except the chest will stay the same from the original mod. Now here is where im stuck on getting started


I have Roberts Male Body open in Blender and I want to start tacking all this stuff on, just probably the shoulder and stuff mainly for the chest since it will be the most work. But im a little stuck, do i just build from the roberts male body? or open the cuirasses i want to try out and tack on the shoulders. and such.

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Sorry for changing the topic, but I just have to ask:


What's so awful about loincloths on armor? At least it's not impossibly skimpy.



What's wrong with it, is that I detest it. My game, my rules, my world.


Furthermore, a loincloth can get caught on or by something, while a bikini is pretty safe from catching. Skimpy does not bother me, I'd wear a bikini and I'm convinced I'd kick your ass in it. (universal "you", not you personally). Understood?


I hate the "impossibly" skimpy argument, anyway. It doesn't stand up to logic. A small agile warrior is better off with feather-light armor, anyway. Bulky crap will only slow them down.


Finally, back to loincloths, I feel the same way as Edna "E" Mode feels about capes.

Edited by myrmaad
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Okay so I found all the mshes I want to use, just basically changing the top pieces and a few curiasses i might try out, basically everything except the chest will stay the same from the original mod. Now here is where im stuck on getting started


I have Roberts Male Body open in Blender and I want to start tacking all this stuff on, just probably the shoulder and stuff mainly for the chest since it will be the most work. But im a little stuck, do i just build from the roberts male body? or open the cuirasses i want to try out and tack on the shoulders. and such.



OOPS! I totally missed your question!


I think I'll download this StarX, and take a look at it, I would have suggested starting with Nifskope. I thought I did! :)

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Yeah Im just getting stuck in a few places im looking back at oblivion tutorials, I found the perfect chest piece I dont know its from a mod i have or what i was in the Testing hall and just found it XD. Called the Silverhair Ranger Cuirass or something? Ill post screens of it to get some feedback, but I think that would be perfect for the base of the chest and cut and past and build off of it.
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What's wrong with it, is that I detest it. My game, my rules, my world.


Furthermore, a loincloth can get caught on or by something, while a bikini is pretty safe from catching. Skimpy does not bother me, I'd wear a bikini and I'm convinced I'd kick your ass in it. (universal "you", not you personally). Understood?


Okay. I was just asking. :unsure:

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Yes please do track down that cuirass or give a picture so we can find it, "silverhair" is kind of strange sounding..


I have assembled the ladies' version in Nifskope, the paldrons will be easily borrowed using either Nifskope or Blender (will depend on personal preference there, either would work.)


I'm working on a menswear version starting with retexturing the vanilla chainmail greaves.

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