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MHE - Megaton House Expansion


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Well I decided to start modding Fallout 3. Here's a pic of how far I am on this mod, I'm kinda new to modding Fallout 3, so don't be too rough please, but comments/suggestions are welcome! I also have a couple questions. What is the tag called for the water that gives you +30 HP, no rads, and heals you when you stand in it? I know it exists, because I've used it ingame before, I just don't remember where (I was thinking the Oasis, but I can't find it there). And also, do you HAVE to copy weapons from other places? Or is there a way to actually create a new weapon (not a new weapon, but a new copy of an existing weapon) inside your mod? If anyone could answer, I would appreciate it. Thanks!




Again, please comment/suggest!

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