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The Rejects


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The Rejects are a band of mercenaries that began their exploits on the forsaken soils of the capital wasteland in 2280. Consisting of the outcasts of the waste from all walks of life. Reformed raiders, cutthroats trying to make an honest living, wastelanders, who are fed up with the violence, depravity, and sorrow of the wasteland. All wishing to profit from it. Now, in 2284 After the corruption and warfare forced The Rejects to relocate from the DC area, they have decided to pack up shop, and venture deeper into the American wasteland. They do what ever they can to survive, taking jobs here and there, performing services only these wasteland mercenaries can. But there's always a price, and they aim to collect. But The Rejects are far out of their normal element. New threats emerging. Old threats still loom. A new horizon awaits them, but war... war never changes.









YEAR - 2284

7 years after MQ of Fallout 3. 4 years after the Evens in

Fallout: Reilly's Rejects.


This RP will span widely across the US wasteland, but for now they will begin their journey by starting in the ruins of Tennessee. The Rejects are hired by the people of Providence to protect their caravans from raiders, calling themselves the "Screaming Eagles" Who have established a base in Fort Campbell. The town, Providence isn't that large. Settlers have taken shelter in old train cars, and the broken down train station. While the workers, and scavengers of the town trade with the nearest town Lebanon. A hub of traders and scavengers, trying to survive. But the roads are cruel and dangerous, But for The Rejects, its just another day in the life of a mercenary.









1. No posting without being accepted - We are going to have the RP on a set scale, so it wont jump every which way with random posts. PM me your Profile, and If you are accepted I will tell you how it will work out.


2. Be descriptive - No one line posts. this isn't going to be a spam-fest of one liners such as, "Walks in and shoots someone in the face. runs away and hides from Enclave". Instead, say something like,


"He cautiously stepping into the room, with his sidearm at the ready. The alerted Enclave officer reached for his plasma pistol but the shots discharged into the officers chest faster than he could draw his weapon. The echo of gunfire alerted The Enclave soldiers relaxing in the adjacent room. Realizing an attack was taking place, the soldiers began arming themselves. Daniel had no choice but to take cover."


Something more descriptive. Doesn't have to be extravagant but something more than a basic statement.


3. No Gods - Be realistic. This is the wasteland, no ones a superhero. You cant have a Minigun in one hand, and a chainsaw in the other. (although that would be bad ass..) Assume that this is a real life situation. everyone has their limits.


4. No Controlling other Players Characters - Thats a biggy. every action u post must pertain to your character alone, unless granted permission from that poster. then you must PM me so Ill know. This includes killing other characters lol. I know there will be a lot of bickering between characters, but remember, The Rejects are a brotherhood of the unwanted. All they have is each other. But if it comes down to it and its within the means of the story, with permission from that characters owner yes you can waste someone.


5. All characters must be original - Yes its set around some key elements of FO3, but All characters being played as must be original, meaning no one can be The Lone Wanderer, or Jericho, or Lucas Simms lol


6. Not a Rambo RP - Yes, this centers around the Mercenary way of life, but most importantly, its about the relationships within the group its self. The Rejects come from all wakes of life. Say a former slaver who changed his ways joins. But one of the members Was infact a slave at one point in their life. They would have certain tension amongst one another. A cannibal, accepted no where else in the wasteland joins. Everyone, well aware of this would have an uncomfortable vibe around him. use your imagination.


7. Have Fun - Thats the reason why I wanted to RP in the First place. the rules are placed not to constrict how we RP, but to make it better. fluid, and realistic. The rules set the stage for the RP



I suggest everyone willing to participate in this RP read this. Its short and sweat, gives a better explanation of how we should approach this RP thread if we want to keep it going. please read it if you are not familiar with this style of RP, which follows the same Guidelines as Fallout: The Promised Land.









Fill out the Application below. and PM me your character profile. Before you begin posting. Simple request lol trust me it will make it run a lot smoother than just jumping in unannounced like omg wow where did this guy come from..






The Reject's are in High Demand for a Medic, a Scientist, or Daniel likes to call them, 'Science Guys'. But all classes are welcomed. But if we don't have a medic we are going to be getting F'd up a lot ya know? So having a medic would be pretty bad ass if you ask me.. And a Science guy to check out anomalies n stuff. Stuff is key to survival in the wasteland ya know? Also, other than some key Characters such as Daniel Reckless (Founder of The Rejects), and Jacko (Cannibal Engineer) who have been in The Rejects since it was formed in 2280, everyone else will be playing as characters who have been in for at least a month. Anyone Not accepted at the start will be introduced later on, as a wanderer..mercenary.. whom ever trying to join The Rejects.





User name:





Race/ Ethnicity:




Personal Belongings:




Scenario:((In this section, you must act out a scene involving Your character interacting with a trader. Then you realize you are not alone in the room. There's a man behind you with a gun and the trader has double cross you. I want to know how you would RP this. I want to know your style of RP, before we begin.))









Screaming Eagles

A group of Highly trained, and organized raiders who set up shop in the ruined army base in Fort Campbell. Taking the name the "Screaming Eagles", from the fabled 101st Airborne. these raiders have the Weapons, and manpower to run the entire Tennessee Waste. But small bickering between other lower class Raiders have caused them to lash out against any raider gang that wont join under the Screaming Eagle banner.



The Regulators in Tennessee are not the same as they are in the other parts of the waste. They, in fact, are no better than raiders. Corrupt, hiding behind the Duster to gain fear and take what ever they want. They mostly go from town to town, taking caps, food, supplies, women as if they own the place. These Corrupt Lawmen will definitely be giving the Rejects a Hard time during their stay in Tennessee.


Followers of Sahl

A evil cult, of cannibalistic wasters who believe that by killing victims, and using their body part in a ritualistic fashion, that they can bring to life a dormant goddess that will rid the world of Nuclear Radiation, bringing it to a state of bliss. Their main Temple is located in the ruined remains of Fort Knox Kentucky, but their reach is far, and the Tennessee Temple neighboring Memphis is just as elaborate. harboring gold, and all sorts of wasteland treasures. They kill, not for fun, but to awaken their goddess.


Shot Callers

The Shot callers have cast a web of gambling, prostitution, drugs, violence and slavery all throughout Tennessee. Their main base of operation, in Memphis has become a hot spot for such actions. If your caps are high and your head is on straight, you might be able to make a killing there. Or get killed.





((Check out Fallout: Reilly's Rejects. Its a story following the events in 2280, the year The Rejects were formed. Would give you a basic understanding of what has become of the capital wasteland if you were wondering.))

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Need some work, but so far its most liiikely a yes. lol Ur characters a bit of a wild card, and He would fit The Rejects very well. might get them into some trouble, only time will tell. Jus practice ur writing man, read The Promised Land RP. the RPers in that thread are bad ass man, thats how we gotta take this one.


And we wont be starting anytime soon so u got time to practice

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I would certainly like to express my peak of interest in this, How do I initiate the process to apply?


lol weeeelll.. if you read the full thing u shudnt be asking lol


fill out this entirely, then PM it back to me. Dont skip anything lol..


User name:





Race/ Ethnicity:




Personal Belongings:




Scenario:((In this section, you must act out a scene involving Your character interacting with a trader. Then you realize you are not alone in the room. There's a man behind you with a gun and the trader has double cross you. I want to know how you would RP this. I want to know your style of RP, before we begin.))

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