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fallout 3.exe and launcher will not run


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It's amazing the amount of crap they've shoved on to that OS.8 is just terrible and i couldn't stand that metro thing either :/


got pc running smoothly and fo3 and mods reinstalled but i've ran into what seems to be a very strange crash. I start the game as normal then it goes to change slide (before main menu even appears) then crashes. fo3edit says my load order is fine, i've performed the necessary .ini tweaks but nothing :/ been searching for the last 3 hours to find a fix but no luck. I've never found an actual game related ctd that i couldn't fixed with a bit of searching and fiddling :/ Do you have any suggestions?

I've tried launching it via fose,the exe and the launcher with the same result

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Check the systems Data execution Prevention settings and assign it to allow fallout3.exe to be allowed to run.

If all else seems to be in order , always verify permissions. make sure windows updates is turned off, because there are 3 windows updates that use permissions to isolate non digitizes MS authentic, for which Bethesda fallout3.exe is not. that gets removed when the game engine is patched. you can open it's properties and import it,s certificate into the system. make it real and excepted.


like any file, in any system, digital licenses are the main stay and control of any office program.


Windows IS an office program....keep that in mind and think like a CEO of a company , realize what it was originally designed for and you have new science to deal with.


this is NOT play station, Nor is it Xbone. IT's your office.

Morbid way of thinking about it but it's all true. If windows updates are turned off, the only nag screen thing is the constant security objects you can not turn off. As a workstation, It is assumed many people will access an operating system directly or VIA networking, as such, security runs all the time, scans all actions all the time ,and changes things all the time even during gaming.


it is why, some claim things run ok, but after a bit of time a day a or so, the game quits running and for no reason.

this is the reason. Permissions. It's automatic, you can not turn it off, you can only make sure some things can't change things with out you knowing it, that comes with learning how to use windows.............any version.


last and first of foremost things, unchecked all mods and run, see if it loads, add them 4 ata time and reload till it crashes, then you only have 4 out of 4 at any time to isolate a mod, I too have edited my own mods, seen how when I move a mod out, run the game it runs ok, move it back in , it runs ok, copy it out some where and change it's name, so not to overwrite it by mistake, use the existing mod in thegeck, edit it, and have it no longer load, crash.


put back the saed renamed mod, and even rename it back and still not load, which makes no sense at all.


Why this takes place is because the changes are still there, they are in the windows registry file as altered code but even if the file it's self is not altered, the registry say's it is, the file can not change the registry, so reboot. now it will load,....the changes get dumped out.


as we speak I am fighting the Geck, I have built a massive mod, and due to the enormous size of the mod, it hangs on me, there are limits and I do in fact push them hard.

you problem can be simple, or it can be hidden, it can be mod related or it can be system related. there is always bugs in this game.


Just suggestions and advices.


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I DID IT! ITS WORKING! :D :D me and my friend went through it by process of elimination and figured it was a corrupted .ini so deleted it and boom! it works! going to slowly reintroduce all my mods over the next few days

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all the necessary tools required for this game are in my signature here. Top spoiler tag. This includes Fomm, one that works, or at least did at the time I posted it. To a certain degree, some things still work as before.


The knowledge gained is good practice. I need knowledgeable users to test My mods, I have yet to release.

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let's see, I have made true weather mods, ones that resemble real weather patterns ,real fog and action of it. To see what a London fog might appear as in game there is one such screen shot I released here under another mod's page. It was running at the time of the making of in-game tools I was charged in making. the tools have no real use to a user, just editing live in game. This is a curve much steeper to learn so I have not released them.


In the lower right hand corner where I posted this, look at the fog rolling in.


The Item in red just to the left of the fog was the main focus of the shot, what that is .....IS a single large collision marker, one that prevents player travel. this is a static marker, all statics are listed as Red, that shade of red, in Game spawn makers are inverted belly arrows, things that appear in spots where they are smaller red (X) in the geck, but in game live are yellow and of a different design.


Visual accuracies / Representative of objects you can not see.....ever....this includes all nav mesh triangles, and all colors of them.

But, the fog was not even thought of at the time I posted the shot.

Time is slowed way down, it has re activeness too.


new buildings......Places......inserts...Just many many things...http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?showtopic=1720243

I have made a tree / vegetation mod that uses zero textrurs and mesh files and is fully compatible with texture re-placers, nmc packs, any other mods, some mods though others have made do in fact clash, some , mine Enhances beyond your wildest dreams.

How ever, this requires as I said, some knowledge of system preparations and game programing.


to just dump my stuff on the public would kill most PC's. Aggravate minds. create trouble and controversy. Things I wish to avoid.

Jungle cat is what I am, child hood things brought to bare in game life.. So thick, you can't even travel through it as I have given all tree's and heavy grassy Nulls a collision properties.













just a few samples of what to expect.



Edited by Purr4me
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