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Sometime the width of the page goes out of control. It doesn't give me any bars to scroll over. It just extends the screen to the right. I've tried different monitor settings, reloading and everything. It seems to happen after I post (which means that I might not be able to reply to this :wacko: . The only thing that works for me is to restart my comp. I don't want to reboot every time I wish to post. Also, it doesn't affect every page. I was able to get here, but it shows most other pages on the forum as wide. I also just got the latest firefox upgrade. It seems to have (dare I say new) features but is kinda buggy. Any advice would help
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Sometime the width of the page goes out of control. It doesn't give me any bars to scroll over. It just extends the screen to the right.


Yah, I've seen this. It usually happens when somebody has used


a codebox


or lots and lots of letters with no spaces




I don't know how to stop it happening, but here are three top tips.


1. Click middle mouse button (wheel button) and move mouse right.


Screen will scroll right.


2. Highlight text and paste into notepad so you can read it.


3. When replying, hide the side panel with the 'Toggle Sidepanel' button.

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The codebox is not affected by the auto word wrap feature of the forum and will try to display the entire line of code or text.


Idiots hold down a single key and think it will emphasize their point, all it does is make it unreadable and most will just pass it by without looking at it or trying to read it. If they can't use common sense they should be ignored. This also defeats the auto word wrap feature and the forum thinks it is a single word.


Sorry but his is a pet peeve of mine.....old eyes can't read things when I have to reduce the font to much. I may hit the delete button instead of the edit button when I can no longer read them. Not intentionally, but you have to guess at times.



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Thanks for all the help.


I was wondering why it seemed to be random for me. I will use the middle mouse wheel idea. I like that, should have thought of that one sooner (lol). I had been cut and pasting to wordpad to read, but the middle mouse wheel should help me to respond when I think I've got something relevant to add.




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