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20 End Game Dungeons and Caves with Bosses


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Currently, between minimods I'm making, I am working on a mod that adds 20 new End Game, high level dungeons and caves with bosses, and several miniquests, but I need help with very minor things I, myself, do not have the skill to do.


The point to the mod is, of course, to add many dungeons and caves meant for high level players, however, it is also meant to justify the input of several pieces of armor and weapons that are very powerful. (Not GODLY at all, just a step or two above the strongest vanilla stuff). The reason is leveling does not stop at 21, yet loot lists for the most part do. The entire endeavor of obtaining the strongest weapons and armor in vanilla is by earning them through leveling and dungeons and quests ETC.


There will be 20 dungeons and caves in all. Some are short, others are small yet very dangerous and tricky, some will have miniquests in them, and a couple are very large and expansive. EACH one will have a boss that holds one powerful piece of equipment, a unique look, and a tiny bit of backstory put in them all. So far I have started and finished 2 today, with a couple kinks needing to be worked out. But there are things I can not do myself, such as anything above novice level scripting, quest scripting... well that's really about it.


The scripting required is small, and not very hard at all. It takes only a little bit of experience but experience nonetheless. Simple quest objectives and such. Nothing really hard at all, or even approaching hard, just scripting is my weakness >_<.


So I was wondering who would like to help me develop this mod? I will do most of the work, the grunt work, design, location, all that, and most of the REALLY REALLY simple scripting, but anything above REALLY REALLY simple is just beyond me. Full credits will be given as CoAuthor of the mod, Kudos from me and a thank you from me.


To give example of the kind of scripting:


Having a dude enable and walk to you and start topic when something dies, then disable after he is done talking.


thats about the hardest scripting it gets. It still is just beyond me lol.


Not much work needs to be done on your part and you get coauthor credits!

This mod is meant to give the ability to continue earning new weapons and equipment and become more powerful even when you have reached your peak from vanilla.


As a cheat-proof way of ensuring that these powerful weapons are not to be used by low level characters, EACH piece of equipment is actually scripted to check for specific levels of corresponding skills before being able to be equip to the player.


Anyone interested feel free reply. I'll PM you a download link so you can see what's done so far, and make these very annoying scripts that I cant seam to get right.. get right.

ALSO: Anyone who helps will have full right to do any change, add anything, do specific dungeons themselves or try specific scripts and functionality if they so choose. JUST I dont want to make this into a large project. Just something that can be done in a week or two. Any new models the coauthor wants to put in is perfectly fine. Mainly... coauthor = actually being coauthor. Get to make it your own :)



Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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EACH one will have a boss that holds one powerful piece of equipment, a unique look, and a tiny bit of backstory put in them all. So far I have started and finished 2 today, with a couple kinks needing to be worked out. But there are things I can not do myself, such as anything above novice level scripting, quest scripting... well that's really about it....


The scripting required is small, and not very hard at all. It takes only a little bit of experience but experience nonetheless. Simple quest objectives and such. Nothing really hard at all, or even approaching hard, just scripting is my weakness >_<...


To give example of the kind of scripting:


Having a dude enable and walk to you and start topic when something dies, then disable after he is done talking....


As a cheat-proof way of ensuring that these powerful weapons are not to be used by low level characters, EACH piece of equipment is actually scripted to check for specific levels of corresponding skills before being able to be equip to the player...


I could script the quests (depending on how complicated), I could probably do the dude walking up to you and starting a topic when something dies script (the hardest for me), and I could make scripts for the unique bosses. And the equipment script I could probably do also.

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Okay cool! Welcome to the prestigious team of two. So vast in its numbers and efficiency that you have NOW heard of it!


The scripting will NOT be that complicated. Since I posted this I figured out most of what my problems were. I already knew A way of doing most of it but wanted to avoid overscripting one boss. But it all turned out good. Only problem is before I could fix the FINAL thing my CS did its famous "You have clicked too many times so I decide that I am not going to let you click. I will look as though I have registered a click but I won't let you see any menu or variable changes. All you can click is OKAY or CANCEL from any menu windows that are already up by the time I decided to be a jerk" thing. So I have to reload it, fix it, and then send you the file to see what you think.


do NOT, however, work on it yet! When I send you the first file its just so you can see whats going on. Play it first.. erm.. in god mode.. cause these dudes are a whopping 15 levels above the players. Cept the lich, he is 10 levels.. because he has like 12 other NPCs or so fighting with him against you! lol. My computer is.. medium.. on what it can handle. There are no FPS issues, thank GOD, with the number of npc's im using. So it should be good regardless your computer strength should your computer not be previously from window's 95... >_< lol.




For others who did not make the cut of first response to this prestigious rank, you may still suggest away at what weapons, armor, resources, dungeon looks etc you want.

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