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HK-47 Head and Retex and weapon for STs Robot Race


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I always enjoy role playing as a person of reason, without emotions being attached to said reason. A robot race was made and this kind of helps in my rp. Now, first the reason behind my mod request:



---Ever since I played Kotor 1/2, Ive always took control of HK-47 and never really used my own PC unless I had too. His attitude, skills, and his "Art" for killing, and assassinations made him the crowning jewel every time I went for a playthrough. I plan on using this Robot Race as an assassin type. However, I rarely go into 3rd person because of how some characters look, in this case, its the robot head and texture.



Now this is a very good mod. I absolutely love it. And I am fully aware of the Retextures made by another user. However, Im wanting a more HK-47 look. A custom head model, a rusty retex(both lore friendly and Ive always preferred HK's rusty plating on Kotor 2). Ill sum this up below, for those who don't want to read all of this.





My request:


First, the base mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/43732/?


Second, my desire:

Custom head(Body is entirely optional. I don't really mind but go wild if you want too. Ill be much appreciative)

Rusty Brown Retex to match HK-47.

Maybe a custom weapon or two,




Details on my view of how the weapon should be(Although your expertise are probably better suited to deciding than mine):


Sniper Rifle(or Assault rifle as the weapon from Kotor 2 used a Assault Rifle). Silenced. High damage(Onpar with the strongest Sniper Rifle.). A scope.



If youre going for the Assault Rifle than Id recommend something that shoots accurately and maybe shoots 2 or 3 bullets per shot(Or the equev to a Marksman carbine). Silenced. Scoped.



Now, I completely understand that Im practically asking for OP weapons but I don't rightly mind that at all. In fact, I want them to appear in the inventory after character creation(Why would HK-47 misplace his favorite killing tool? Its lore friendly. he would never part with it and gun down any meatbag that tried to take it).



I also want to point out one final thing: Do not fret about making it appear in the players inventory by choosing the robot race. Obviously if you have the mod installed, youre going to be using that race so its hardly irrational to just tick the "Starts in inventory" thing, or whatever its called.



Anyway, I would appreciate any help. The weapons and all that are secondary. The main thing I want is the new head model AND the retex.



Ill be periodically checking the forums(Im only saying this because for some reason Im not getting notifications and I feel like a total effing jerk. As a result, Ill be forced to frequently view this page.





EDIT: I have ALL the DLC so any resources from them are okay with me

Edited by Miriped
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