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Hi, we are trying to create a big mode,... its good job for now, but i can't say more about the mod itself. But for now we have some problems,...

We need to make a new SKILL,...? Yes, new skill out from beggining, i thing scripting it [is perks] will not be a big problem becouse the biggest problem with it for now is just ccreating new skill.

Oh and second problem, somehow linked to the firs one, how to create a new window like repair window or alchemy window?

The project itself if a big one :whistling: , at now we heve small team, with just a little expiriance, all is on paper, theory, quest, arts,... And we need some help. If any pro moder would like to help us, we would like to accept such an offer. But let us keep some secrets about it :rolleyes: , becouse it is going to be bigger and better than lost spires, i think. But first the help,... :thanks:

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New skills cannot be made. The closest you can get is through using a script variable to increment progress and be used by other scripts.


You can't make new repair or alchemy type screens, they are hard coded. The closest you can get is to use a series of complicated message boxes. Message boxes however are limited to 9 options per page, and cannot easily detect and use names and item types from your inventory (OBSE and ridiculous amount of scripting required here). For something like a crafting screen, it is usually easier to use a summoned container and rely on the player to know what the heck they're supposed to do with it.

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Ok, if so,... I'll get right to the point,... :blink:

1st a set of waepons, that can be changed, and remodyfied, while using right components,... f.e.: new blade, [in the project goes far more complicated,... : runes, material, "power source"],... It can be created that way, even it would be great if player couldn't modify his armen wherever he/she wants to.

2nd A gun, only one gun, [1 point matches here too (especialy), we want player to gather parts from all the cyrodill to build up his gun] [this is not a gun in a normal manner, it it rune powerd magick gun, (we will be cooperating on this with people that had made mods on guns] [it will seem to bee wery modyfied kind of staff] [we don't whant to make it use soul gems, or even arrows, and here is the point number... ]

3rd a new kind of ammo, made to power up this kind of weaponry, ["arcane"] swords, armors, axes,.... guns. we think to use some kind of scripts like: use up inventory equipment if use of used equipment,...

4th skills, if not a stand alone skill we may use some of alredy existing skills, but how we supose to do this...? We thing of making use of mystysizm for using such weapons, counjuration for modyfying and making, and of courseany oobject type skills too,... For example:

To use a heavy arcane armor it uses mysticism and hevy armor skill but to make a one it would use counjuration and heavy armor skill [it goes to a cross skill scripts, is such a combination possible?]

5th i saw a mod realy changing alchemy, with all meanings of changing, especialy "the box". And adding a sub box of options for that,... If there is such a possybility, so it should be possible [maybe without chnging the code, but propably without using the editor] to make one box standing alone,...

6th we would like to dyversify ways of breaking equipment, especialy those "arcane" ones, like exploding of a gun.


7th,... Any body help us,...? We realy want to give You this mod! :thumbsup:

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1st - a set of waepons, that can be changed, and remodyfied, while using right components,...

2nd - A gun, only one gun, [1 point matches here too (especialy), we want player to gather parts from all the cyrodill to build up his gun]...

3rd - a new kind of ammo, made to power up this kind of weaponry...

4th - skills, if not a stand alone skill we may use some of alredy existing skills, but how we supose to do this...? [...] To use a heavy arcane armor it uses mysticism and hevy armor skill but to make a one it would use counjuration and heavy armor skill [it goes to a cross skill scripts, is such a combination possible?]

5th - i saw a mod realy changing alchemy...

6th - we would like to dyversify ways of breaking equipment, especialy those "arcane" ones, like exploding of a gun.

7th - ... Any body help us,...? We realy want to give You this mod! :thumbsup:

Hi there!


1 - That's a challenge, not only for the process of crafting (as Vagrant says, you could spawn a container, let the player puts inside the materials and cast a spell on the container or so) but the real problem comes if you want to introduce new materials and making them available all throught Cyrodiil, it's not that easy. You should consider making your mod dependant on COBL or search your sources for materials.

2 - That's cool, specially if there's only one weapon that you adquire after a long, hard quest and it's not something that is gonna kill everything on sight with a simple click.

3 - If the gun is made like a staff then it can't have different "ammo". You could instead fake some value, like giving it an unbreakable armor rate and susbstract one point of health each use. But I'd suggest you try to make it as a bow, if that's possible, and then create a new type of ammo specially for that "bow". The problem (assuming the animation might look more or less ok) would be then making that only this gun could fire that ammo and make that it could only fire this ammo, but there are some workaround, sure, maybe scripting the gun to detect the ammo equipped, or script the ammo so you can't equip it if that's possible, etc.

4 - You can't create new skills. My advice is that you try to make it simple. Wearing "arcane" heavy armor should be none but heavy armor, swinging with an "arcane" sword should be blade, etc. You can make that performing certain action grants the player experience points towards one or more skills (ie crafting an arcane armor could increase both armorer and mysticism), but you can't make that the armor points and magical effectiveness it grants would depend on two skills or more, to do so you'll need to edit the object itself on the fly, and thus maybe you'll be changing those values for NPCs wearing the same armor, so best get stick to 1 skill per action.

5 - I bet you haven't seen more than 2 mods like that one that make such a drastic change, it's very hard to achieve, so "theorically" you could edit the repair screen to add more options, but it could take you half of your life to do so.

6 - cool!

7 - I think you should define a bit more your mod. Is it about crafting "arcane" stuff made with some special materials only found in your mod? Would it allow to craft any kind of armor/weapon, not only those "powered"? Btw, have you considered trying to team up with someone who's already developing a crafting mod? Maybe that would be easier than making it all from scratch.


Good luck!

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Ok, so I'll just spoil some about it [what we want to do]: :thumbsup:

...The hero of,... just player finds some strange thing while exploring some dungeons,... nobody knows what is it,... but the rumor has it that some one of mages guild could know something about it,... [after a bigger part of a quest] player is informed what he found,...

...it is a rune, thing unknown to tamriel officialy, few hundrets of yerars ago, couple of mages experimented with trans dimensional magick, it supose to be ok, but there was an axident [don want to spoil more] and this school of magic has been forbiden by the mages guild. For some reasons it was forbidden to speak about it even...

...The runes are a magic enteties made of trans dimensional material with unnatural [for tamriel] magical abbilities,...

So the fackts of the mode are,...: :blink:

-Runes: used in weapons [arcane ones] to prowide magical attribiutes, in arcane guns [used as a kind of ammo], as kind of a spell scrols, and armors,... those would be basic, more advanced would be: creating/sustaining a stand alone dimension, traveling between dimensions, as a kind of julewry [cirkling in air around wearers head]

-Weapons: A new set of weapons made of trans dimensional materials, capable of using rune powers, more like new way of magical weapons [the bigest difrance would be modularyti of effects (f.e.: A Arcane dagger could use one rune at a time, but double handed cleft battle glave can use up to three runes at a time)]. It is more likley that one rrunes will be used to generate an efffect, and second (kind of runes) will be used up in fight, as "power source" for arcane weapons. Arcane burs generator, gun looking like staff that uses concentrated runes energy in single blast [using a up to five effects at one] [a BIG quest getting it] [here is mentiont elier gathering parts for it end constructing it (propably 6 parts while 4 gathered and build up will give You an oportunity to use 3 runes, while full 6/6 parts construtin will show true power]

-Armor, like mentiont before, runes will givie a certain effect [propably in pairs, defencive and offencive] so it is going to be like that: gloves, greaves, gauntlets, robes, will heve one slot, light torso armor and helmets will have two slots, and heawy chest plate will have 3 rune slots,...

-others: arcane amplifiers, there would be such thing too, that amplify efects or reduces costs of use, we will see if it gonna be a julewry or just "in inventory" equipment.

-world: strange trans dimensional worlds, tha main location, [i will not spoil the name] a city drifting in space, more likly emptyness,... full of arcane magic,... houses are size of 'toy toy' [just comparing the size] drifting, flying, in air,.. but doors of such a house leads to another [small but stand alone] dimension... This city plane is a place with weakest trans dimensional "walls" so going to another dimension isn't easier anywhere else. So it's linket to dozens of other worlds,...

-own house, this is a big one,... cost of getting it: main quest [of this mod], [house quest], 150 000 gold, special artifact,... and to compleet your house it will be about 500 0000 gold and 5 - 7 smaller quests. But it is worth it,... Trans dimensional house,... [from this whole mod started to eveolve, so i will not spoil very much about this, and i could speak a lots about it]. But to see the idea: -trans dimensional portal [to many locations*], small arena*, rune forge*, *= You will get monsters to your arena and materials to your forge from other dimensions throu the portal...

-New trans dimensional enemies, new faction/s, new race [unplaible],... the guardians of the city plane are the mages that created that plane them selfs,... but for their tweak experiments they warped/evolved, to some strange humanoid beeings,... their cluture is more like fanatic religion, and they will act like temple guards, inquisitors and more like it,..

-Oh, forgot about that,...: There are planty of normal people in that city: but nobody came back to tamriel after entering that plane [this is about making delitios spoil for your apetite]


Email Our team Through me for now [email protected] we wait for Your help! :thanks:

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