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Is it feasible to not plan out levels?


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You already know how the leveling goes, read a FAQ on Gamefaqs and I am just not interested in making skills I will never use major so I can grind them later. I just want to play!


So my question is, is it feasible to "just play" without mods to keep me up to speed with Mobs? I'd rather not use a mod for this kind of thing but I am looking at SPAM as its supposedly not an overpowered leveling system.

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So my question is, is it feasible to "just play" without mods to keep me up to speed with Mobs? I'd rather not use a mod for this kind of thing but I am looking at SPAM as its supposedly not an overpowered leveling system.


Set the difficulty level down or be a good fighter. You could use All +5 Attribute Modifiers to give you a little edge.


I'm pretty crappy at real-time combat and my fps sucks. I could set the difficulty down, but (for some reason) it feels a little less like cheating to use the "major skills you never use" fiddle.

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Hm... I actually do plan out my characters before I really begin to play. Once I have mastered every skill (yes, even skills like athletics and restoration and mercantile) and maxed every attribute am I then satisfied enough to play the game itself. :whistling:
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i'm using oblivion xp, which gives me better control over skill progression and imo rewarding certain actions in a more satisfying way. since you gain skill points after leveling up, it's possible to increase some less important stats without the need to put your adventuring on hold and tediously train them. even the idea of jumping around like an idiot to increase the acrobatics skill or whatever annoyed me, so the very first thing i did before playing this game was looking for a mod which changes the leveling dynamics to a more classic-rpg one.

as always i chose to play a thief/assassin character, so yeah, raising attributes which were most relevant for stealth had top priority early on in the game. this made my char quite vulnarable in direct confrontations but when i manage to sneak up on some poor [male without a father]*, it's very often an instant kill. in fallout 3 i've tried to create a char with the exact same abilities and attributes but ended up being almost invincible. oblivion seems to be more balanced in this respect (thanks to stealth enhancing mods, i guess).

btw. i've read somewhere that if you're not cautious when training your skills, this game might get extremly difficult later on.


*who can guess which naughty(?) word has been censored here? :D

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It really depends on skill mix and play style. You might find that the game quickly becomes incredibly hard, or it may be just perfect for you. Without more information on what your character build is going to look like, that's about the best answer you're going to get.


As a compromise, I'd use the +5 mod ptbptb linked above... that way you can spend a little time (just before levelling) gaining a couple levels in skills linked to attributes you want to raise. Minimal interruption to "just playing" while allowing you to keep up with the increased difficulty as you gain levels.


Recommended reading:


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I like level systems, they make the game much more harder. :]


I'd personally beg to differ. They just seem to make the game longer (longer fights for example, on that one ogre that just won't die when you're on level 50). I don't usually find fights in Oblivion that hard unless there are a lot of enemies (which you can get on any level).

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So my question is, is it feasible to "just play" without mods to keep me up to speed with Mobs? I'd rather not use a mod for this kind of thing but I am looking at SPAM as its supposedly not an overpowered leveling system.

You can, but doing so usually requires using both your major and minor skills to their maximum potential, throwing out all notions of "I'm a warrior, I can't use magic" kinda stuff, and planning your major skills around those things which don't level up particularly quick just from playing.


With a balanced set of major skills, the right equipment and spells, and some innate reluctance toward leveling, you can still play the game without having to micromanage everything.


As far as mods go, a simple +5 to three stats every level mod combined with either a combat damage increase mod, a few cheat items with a constant restore health, or just turning on god mode can make things marginally easier. A mod which gives you the ability to spellcraft/enchant without needing the mages guild also makes life a bit easier.

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You already know how the leveling goes, read a FAQ on Gamefaqs and I am just not interested in making skills I will never use major so I can grind them later. I just want to play!


So my question is, is it feasible to "just play" without mods to keep me up to speed with Mobs? I'd rather not use a mod for this kind of thing but I am looking at SPAM as its supposedly not an overpowered leveling system.


rofl. I never plan out levels. I went through the main quest in almost total Vanilla without grinding AT ALL. By level 25 or so I was still an overpowered God.


I would go so far as to say the game was designed to be 'just played' and the people who pay any serious attention to the level and skills screens are the victims of a strange obsession.


Asking if you can play Oblivion without grinding is like asking if you can drive a car without consecrating it; The question doesn't even make any sense.




Now btw I just use Realistic Leveling so I don't even need to pay any attention what-so-ever.

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You already know how the leveling goes, read a FAQ on Gamefaqs and I am just not interested in making skills I will never use major so I can grind them later. I just want to play!


So my question is, is it feasible to "just play" without mods to keep me up to speed with Mobs? I'd rather not use a mod for this kind of thing but I am looking at SPAM as its supposedly not an overpowered leveling system.

I would go so far as to say the game was designed to be 'just played' and the people who pay any serious attention to the level and skills screens are the victims of a strange obsession.


Without any mods present, try playing an agent, bard, or thief and don't use ANY actions, spells, or equipment that isn't tied to your major skills. It's called "role playing" and although I don't quite get it myself, there are many who play in this style, and who experience severe problems because of it. Often these problems exist because you have a few skills which level quickly, like sneak, alchemy, speechcraft as major skills, which don't directly impart any ability to survive in vanilla. Although sneak "can" be very useful, you need to spend 7-8 levels worth of raising to get it there, meanwhile everything else gets stronger and stronger. As agent and thief only have marksman as a weapon skill, things become even more fun.


In some cases, "just playing" just doesn't work out since they level too quickly in the beginning from some random skill, and promptly get smacked around once they hit level 5.

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