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Witch Hunter Mod - need Voice Actors and/or team-mates!


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So, I started a BIG project. A new joinable faction, based on "witchers" created by Andrzej Sapkowski. 2 separate main quests (depending on player choice), a bunch of side and radiant quests, a BUNCH of NPCs (hopefully about as detailed as the ones we know and love from Interesting NPCs), some gear, some spells, a cool new "mutation" system to turn you into a "witch hunter", the monster who hunts monsters.


Unfortunately, I have zero voice-talent. Looking for skilled voice actors. I'm also looking for team-mates.


Oh, as an aside, I've already gotten preliminary go-aheads from the creators of a bunch of other mods to mention and/or involve things from their mod in Witch Hunter. So, what does this mean? The NPCs at your witch hunter school will complain about Thorald Gray-mane, assassins from the rival school will head straight for Cerwiden, your healer, before going for you, the chef will make a special horker pie for Gorr, etc. etc. (Examples here, btw.)


Anyway, please drop me a PM if you're interested.

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