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Vampire mod


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Hey, I'm making a large scale mod that will have a castle roughly 4-5 times the size of the vanilla ones. I'm about a third of the way through with the castle and have started adding quests. As vampire quests are something of a rare item, I was looking for people that have quests they would like to see made. I have a plenitude of ideas for the vampires, but the vampire hunters are lacking. I don't want them to just say "go kill these cool NPC's 1 at a time." I don't have any ideas beyond having you look for vampire slaying weapons/armour. I plan on making the vampire hunter faction into another branch of vampire clan as a secret twist but don't want that to dominate the plot line.


If there are other people out there working on vampire mods that would like to link and cross story lines, I would be totally open to that. I started this project with the aims of making vampirism more dynamic. I want them to have their own faction(s) with epic quests and I have the notes for a fun story started.


Any takers either post here or mail me directly at:

[email protected]


The email is somewhat spammed so CAPS and write mods or oblivion in the title so my eyes catch it. I don't have a hundred spams a day, but I don't look any further than the email address usually.




each main quest will have 3 ways to solve them. They will add a number of variables like wickedness, cowardice, cheese, etc. Each of these factors will build and open optional ways to solve the main quests. I do realize the scope of what I am saying. I'm not just over stepping my goals.


the 11 main quests (as of now:)


1: gaining access.

I have a clean, fully functioning portcullis script which keeps the switch locked. It has an operator that will open it for you once for a tour, then you must bring skulls. This keeps you exploring the rest of the game. She opens the gate for you all the time for free when you are in the faction.


2: tax collection.

Vampires would impose taxes on their cattle... It might get a little bloody when you try to extort the butcher though


3: Poison Crafting

Find and return poison ingredients for poison recipes/finished poisons.


4: Random Killing

You must keep a terrifying profile. The occasional random slaughter shows the cattle who is in control


5: Sell "Life Insurance"

Its been done to death in horror movies, but what's a good horror plot without fun cheese?


6: Seduce a wealthy widow/bachelor and then poison them.

The coffers are never empty thanks to you. You keep some cool stuff too, of course how much is up to you.


7: Subdue Bravil Guards.

Be it with money, sweet/mean talk or a fight in the middle of the streets, you must command your respect as the bloodline grows (clan is so lame).


8: Recover Imperial Commerce records

Traders found something interesting. The imperial scum are trying to keep it for themselves...


9: Grave-robbery

The only piece you need to find the lost temple is buried within a noble's tomb. Looting this tomb is going to be no easy task however. I will be a fairly small cave/tomb with a large troll.


10: Find the blood of the key

A certain family trait is required to unseal the ancient vampire tomb.


11: Final boss fight

Find and confront the ultimate vampire daedra. I want this boss to have the "emerald weapon" feel from FFVII.


These are all the stages that I have planned out now, with a total of 5 NPC's not including the gatekeeper. There will be a couple of other NPC's to populate the castle and some servants, but they are just AI packages. Maybe add a master of the hunt with side quests or some other later. The (massive) dining room has an arena inside with working, pathed gates that will involve placing the main character in the middle of a fight unsuspectingly, later having you be the switch operator if you want. Also a way to make money.


Of course the hunters will want you to kill the bloodline, but I want that to take place later in the plot. They are rivals but aren't as open as the bloodline. I want the hunters to have the real paladin or witch hunter feel, but I can't relate to that so well


I've seen a thousand posts discouraging newer modders from large projects, but this is something that must be done for the sake of vampires across Tamriel. I have completed numerous tutorials and now understand the clean from dirty ways to write script, etc. This will be a reality. The castle itself will be the former home of none other than Jagar Tharn, master thief and later in death a vampire.

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