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The Other Daedric Planes


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Um... How are you guys going to do molag bal i mean JUST. LOOK. AT. HIM!!!!


http://www.uesp.net/w/images/images.new/b/b0/Molag_Bal.gif http://www.uesp.net/w/images/images.new/4/44/MW_MolagBal.jpg http://www.uesp.net/w/images/images.new/0/05/OB-Img-ShrineofMolagBal.JPG And don't get me started on hermaeus mora! http://www.uesp.net/w/images/images.new/7/74/Hermaeus_Mora.gifhttp://www.uesp.net/w/images/images.new/3/3b/OB-Img-ShrineofHermaeusMora.JPG

And peryite.http://www.uesp.net/w/images/images.new/0/02/Peryite.gifhttp://www.uesp.net/w/images/images.new/5/5c/Peryite.jpg

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Molag Bal could be done with a custom mask and armor.


You won't be seeing Hermaeus, you'll visit Apocrypha in

the first half of my mod and only get to meet his Chamberlain.


We've already visited Peryite's Pits, but any Prince that we can't

mesh we'll make their Chamberlains (like Haskill) speak on their behalf.


Besides, if we have to we can always default to 'shape-shifting.'




Thank you, L33. Believe me, I'll take you up on that.


@Everyone else


I would like to elaborate more on my previous thought, though, so I'm not misunderstood.


I mean mainly communication, resource sharing, and transit between realms.


Perhaps a modder out there isn't interested in creating the Colored Rooms,

and is working on my mod or L33's, but someone mentions something that is

going to or needs to be done within the Colored Rooms mod that they really

like the idea of. Then they would work on the part they're excited about and

add to that mod, and then go back to whatever they are excited about working

on next.


Then even though they are not officially working on the Colored Rooms, things

would get contributed that might not have otherwise been because there was no

modder who knew about it and was terribly excited about creating it. It also means

that if someone were to create something that doesn't fit in a particular realm it

could be used in another and would not go to waste.


This would keep people modding and most importantly keep them excited

about modding so they don't feel that they are confined in what they can create.


We could also then leave some of the realms as extensible ones. Whatever modder

wants to add a quest, a house, or a new worldspace to certain realms may do so.


Vaermina's Quagmire would be a great one for something like this.

Imagine an entire world made out of everyone's nightmares.


As for transit, since most of us want to have the way blocked until the particular

Prince wills it so, it could be made so that these areas in my mod the player visits

to converse with the Daedric Princes are sealed off, but after you enter the realms

via the ways of other mods, once installed, you might wander into these parts of the

realm accidentally and then see that the realm is in fact a whole.


This allows us to keep our mods separate, but maintain

a more proper illusion to keep the player more immersed.

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@ zprospero:


I had the very same idea, I think this kind of cross-working with several mods connected but independant one from each other could actualy be a nice modding experience and a way to put out a big and coherent mod from player's perspective (because in fact they'd be separate mods), and locking/unlocking certain areas/doors depending on the contents loaded may be a great way to have "finished" areas, simply if it's not finished it's not there, you won't see a blank space, simply a wall without door, etc.


The way I see this there should be one "nexus" quest (wich in this case I'd agree that would be yours), wich would give you access to a "restricted" area in each plane, and then a mod for each plane itself, with it's own entrance and independent beginning for those not willing to play the Ourobouros quest or those that just want to enter one or two single realms.


If carefully designed, the quests and plots could work in a similar way, so they all are independant from other mods' quests but someway connected, so it's not necessary to make them all but if someone does they all together could make some sense.



@ Vagrant0:


Sincerely, I think the problem the Colored Rooms has is an advertising/communication problem. You may think that all the reasons I'm gonna tell you might be trivial, but I think that in the end they all count, at least for me they do:


- for every post/comment telling what the mod is and how great it is you find at least ten posts/comments complaining about how sad is that people don't want to join the project/don't get excited by it. C'mon, do you want to scare the few that might be willing to join?


- it's hard to find the first explanation about what this mod is about, and once you find it there's nothing that actually makes you feel that it's special. Common procedure is: you see a Vagrant's post here and see the pic in the signature. No clues if it's an Oblivion mod or what. Then you click on the pic and are directed to a private forum without a big header or summary on top to attract visitors, not even a pic. You search a little on that page and don't find a link, so switch back to the nexus and decide to search for "colored rooms" to actually see the first pics (wich in fact look pretty good!). Then go back to the description page in the nexus and start to read. Complaints again. It's not until 3rd paragraph or so that you actually can get an idea of what's this about, and even then there's nothing in it's description that makes it remarkable from other mods: it's just another land, Meridia's realm, oh well, but what the hell is gonna happen there? We know little things about Meridia and his realm. Why should someone be excited about it? Of course every idea might be exciting in it's own depending on who considers it, but some attracting text and pics sure will help.


- third and most important: the logo in your pic reminds me of the rogue squad starwars video game, wich I don't associate at all with Oblivion :P Don't take it seriously, I'm kidding.


So once this said, I've downloaded the mod and I'll give it a try, but sincerely my expectations on it aren't that great.


IMHO I think you could benefit from this kind of development that zprospero is suggesting by actually giving more reasons to visit Meridia's plane, and also because the Ourobouros plot and the "Daedric Civil War" that will happen is a perfect source of inspiration for quests and adventures to take place there. Even if they're not directly connected with that other mod, it actually makes each daedra position themselves and therefore it makes it easier to define them and make it all more coherent.



@ everyone:


I'd love to see such a mod made and I'm willing to help. I don't have much free time (I'm still developing my magic mod, wich consumes most of the time I dedicate to Oblivion) but I like to edit landscapes, in fact sometimes I play around building a town for a mod that I'll never make :P I'd like to make Coldharbour, simply because it sounds amazing, kinda oblivion plane with cities!, but if at this point my help is more needed in another area I'd agree to work on that. I could also contribute with ideas for quests and dialogues, just don't ask me to make interiors, I loose my nerves with those puzzles.

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First things first. This is how we make Molag Bal.


Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Link 4


It's blocky (forgot the subsurf), the texture is terrible (not my strong point), there's no eyes, and

apparently it thinks it's metal, but for something I made in a couple of hours I'm pretty proud of that.


Now once I make it look good we can slap that on an argonian body with a spiky tail and back, use those

Three fingered gloves that I saw someone had uploaded here (assuming they let us, of course) and maybe

make some boots that look like hooves (does he have hooves?). Set the scale so he's taller, have him sit in

a throne most of the time.




I downloaded the Colored Rooms demo and it really is amazing.

The Black Pit, in particular, was genius. It all looks so good. It really

is a shame to see it not develop more, but yes I can see reasons why

people aren't getting excited about it.


First, that puzzle to get in there, for a demo, is really really too hard.

(I cheated and modded a portal into the Garden.)


Second, I think it is, as grmblf said, a marketing problem. I like to

think of myself as someone well versed in the lore, but most people

don't even know that the Colored Rooms are Meridia's realm. And even

if they do, Meridia's not that exciting among the Daedric Princes.


Now, if we did sort of link our various mods, instead of saying 'we're making

this realm, or that realm' we could say 'we're making them all' or at least most.


This would be more likely to draw a crowd, and then each of our separate mods

would have access to a pool of interested modders who can choose what they

feel excited about modding. It would also centralize it so those interested modders

would be able to see what's going on among our mods and notice things that they

wouldn't before, as I said a quest or item or armor that they can get excited about

even if they aren't all that interested in the realm they are making it for.




Perhaps you could contribute a room to Vaermina's Quagmire where the NPC

inside is deathly afraid of the walls and how they never seem to fit together quite right? :P


@Everyone else


Ah! I actually have to start the thread explaining the second

half of my mod, now! I keep forgetting that it's all still in my mind.


I better write it out first.

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Perhaps you could contribute a room to Vaermina's Quagmire where the NPC

inside is deathly afraid of the walls and how they never seem to fit together quite right? :P

Yeah, if that room is made by me take for sure that the walls won't fit together right at all unless they're part of the same mesh. Could I name that NPC grmblf and make he only says "grmblf grmblf..."? :P I want open landscaaaapeeees! But hey, I like sick bad jokes, so if you really need help with some stuff like this simply ask.


I'm just anxious to know the plot you've prepared for the ascension, but I fear that I'll have to spend some time again checking the lore until I get into the story (I use the uesp wiki [link], is there any better/more complete resource?). Btw, rivalries and fights between princes should/will start before the ascension or will they simply face the fact that he's up there and then react? That could be a good way to start other prince's quests without having to play them all together, just like they're preparing an army "just in case", (rearming their troops, finding some item to strenght themselves, freeing some ancient spirit that will aid them, etc, etc). They may not even tell you the reason why they want to do so until you install the ourobouros mod and the war begins. On the other hand, if you add a realm once the war has started then it's just like that that prince has awaken from it's lethargy or so and then s/he joins the party.



@ DagonTheranis:


Hey Dagon you started this thread, what do you think about all this stuff? I just feel like I'm going off-topic without your consent because we're talking about zprospero's mod and how to do things and stuff that maybe aren't at all what you had in mind. Would you want to collaborate in such a mod?

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Whilst I approve whole-heartedly of integrating this with Zpro's mod, I think it should be worked on seperately from it, to avoid overworkin the modders already doing it, and so it can give us a different vision that will be completely different from the other mod. Molag Bal's plane should be shocking and horrifying, and not similar to any of the other planes in any way, so we should use a different team of modders for this.


P.S. Zprospero do you want your christmas present early?

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Well, currently in the ascension half they do step in, but Ealdor apparently

is doing the convincing you don't really converse with them. But the agreement

Ealdor has struck with Sotha Sil (Chronomancy really makes it easy to cheat storywise)

does have a big payoff later.


With the second half, Azura is starting to do some things that give good cause for the

other Princes to start worrying.


If you did want to add a room, you could use the Anvil Fighters Guild Top Floor, a single

mesh, and have an Nord named Grim Bleaf saying something like that. With Quagmire the

beauty of it is that the rooms can be anything, it's a nightmare, it can be as weird or horrifying

as anyone wants.




Yes, the idea is keeping everything separate but in a way that all the planes

can sort of click together. If you don't have a certain mod you just won't see

that content until that mod is installed, and all mods work separately without

need of my mod, but can click and create a sort of 'Nexus' as grmblf said.


Each team would work on their own, and each realm will maintain it's own uniqueness.

But their may be someone working on one realm who isn't excited about making another

particular realm, but has a good idea for a quest or item or something else that would fit

that realm.


PS: Yes, please.

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