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set stage on locked door?


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Hey guys sorry if the has been posted before,I couldn't find anything in search and I don't really know what to search for.All I want to do is on this quest I made on stage 20,I want the player to activate a locked door that can't be opened,then update the quest go to stage 30 and then make the player go somewhere else.I am so confused on how to do this or if it is even possible,would I use a function in the result script? or would I use a activator with script? But I want a door not an activator? ahhgr im so confused... :(
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I don't know if I understand your situation exactly.



; Object script attached to the door.
; Not putting "Activate" in the script makes the door unopenable.

Begin OnActivate
 If Getstage AAMyQuest == 20 
	  Setstage AAMyQuest 30


This assumes you have a quest message for stage 30 and that makes the player go somewhere else.

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Ok nevermind guys I figured out how to do it,IDK how I got confused over something so simple LOL oh well.I just wrote a script for the door,problem solved...I feel so dumb now IDK what I was thinking,I guess I was just a lil overwhelmed by all the different functions and things...
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