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Some variation to towns


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This is something that's relatively minor but sits at the back of my mind bugging me, so I thought I'd post this.


You've probably noticed that there's very little variation in buildings/towns outside of the major cities like Solitudeand Markarth. An example of this would be Inns which are literally the same building every time with (usually) some minor changes in furniture inside. The same goes for the Longhouses of minor Jarls and, to a lesser extent, Blacksmiths and Traders. I've found the most unique aspect to these places is the layout of the town itself.


Basically I'd like to see some uniqueness to each of these building types to give the different holds a little more flavour befitting of its location, maybe even change the material of the buildings themselves based on climate and terrain. For instance, Falkreath might have more wooden buildings compared to Dragonbridge and Old Hroldan which might use stone.


Just a thought.

Edited by VirgilPerrin
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