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Requesting Help with texturing.


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Iv been tinkering a lot with playable supermutants lately and sure enough i learned a lot about meshing and blender,but i am no "artist" i cant improve upon the existing mutant textures and id like to request help with something kinda simple but it would add a lot to immersion ;P

Last night after finishing my thermal meltdown weapon i was actually wondering what would happen to a super mutant exposed to constant radiation and i came upon this idea.He just absorbs it.That being said radiation is a form of energy so why not "use" that energy in someway well,short story long if someone could help me add glowy veins similar to what the glowing ones have going on to the super mutant texture it would be swell :D,i tried to do it myself but it ended up looking like a kid drew scribbles on the mutant with a glowstick,and a dim stick at that ._.

So yea looking forward to replies on this matter <3 thanks!

Edit:or if someone could explain to me how to make one of the many epic retextures of f03 mutants follow the NV mutants uv map so it looks right id appreciate it as well :D

Edited by DemonicPrincess
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