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Let you kill Duncan


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If it is possible to save Jory, or at least kill Duncan for being a f****ing fanatic i would be happy, or well, at least convince Alistair that Duncan is a psicho and deserve to dead slowly and being eaten.


"Oh, i'll save your family, but i take your son to a certain dead. You know what? forget about saving, ill take your son anyway"


"I know you have a pregnant wife, but you dont want to drink something that would probably kill you, so im going to kill you just to being bad*ss"


F*ck him with a claymore.

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No you can't :biggrin:


But what I don't understand is that you can't walk away from this whole Warden business. For example I'm a mage serving in the tower and I say fork you Duncan, I don't want to join your Grey Wardens, leave me in the forking tower. He uses the Right of Conscription. Fine. I pass the test, become a Warden. King gets killed and Duncan (possibly) too. What's left is Alistair. Fork you Alistair, I'm walking away. I never wanted to join this cult, plus now you're all slaughtered. But I don't have a choice :closedeyes:


It's logical that I might want to help to restore Grey Wardens, but it's even more logical to get the fork out.

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Well, if you could Kill Duncan then the game would end right there, because Alistair would be the last Grey Warden and he wouldn't be able to do everything that you did in game. He seems fairly incompetent/unambitious.


Leaving the GW afterward would just result in the blight destroying all of Ferelden, then the other GWs would step in and defeat the darkspawn. Besides, I rather felt that Ser Jory was a bit of a coward and didn't have any business holding a sword. He let his fear get the better of him, and that would prevent him from being an effective Warden.

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Duuhhh.. Them why not... fight the blight without being a freaking demon's blood jonkie? Or better, seeing that an old psicho fart wouldnt be the best mentor you can have? damn, i would just be happy if i admit that i only took the blood because that guy could kill me.


It would be nice if we could just say to everyone that Duncan is as bad as the blight and smack Alistair and his emo *ss untill he see the thruth. Not just "-you killed sir Jory!" "I dont have pleasure with his death...Well, life goes on, who want some demon's blood? it is the purest you could find on the streeths bro!"


Thats what im complaining, not options for calling that son of a darkspawn a psycho, just always the "oh, he was so good" "oh, he was like the father he contributed to be killed" "oh, he is so brave if we dont count he is a G*DDAMN killer!".


I see more goodness in Flemeth, a freaking abomination, than in that "Good knigth" Duncan.


*Sigh* How much i would pray for that mod...

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I was a little shocked at first when he gutted Jory too. But then I got to think about it. Jory saw the initiation right of the wardens. Either you go through it, make it or die from the poison, or you have to be killed. There's no backing out at that point. Can't have him running off and blabbing about the secret on how Wardens are made. It could seriously hurt their chances on recruitment. And thus increase the chance of the blight swallowing the whole of the continent. Duncan was completely just in his action. Jory didn't have to go with him in the first place. And neither did your character (although since that's the whole plot of the story it wouldn't make too much sense to NOT go wouldn't it ?).


Why would you even WANT the option to quit the wardens ? The story is about your heroic character. Emphasis on 'hero'. How they rise up from whatever background and become a warden to help destroy the darkspawn threat without too much thought to their own safety.


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Well, i dont wish a mod which changes all the story plot (pretty forced in my opinion), i just want to have the option in the chat to say Duncan "MakerDamn psycho, you make me sick", not to always prettend he was brave and all that. And damn, i want Alistair to see the thruth about him.


Just that, some chat options to tell him he's a bstard


Edit: Besides, why cant you save the world without being a grey warden? if im not wrong, there is only 2 grey wardens in the team, and alistair is a p*ssy. if you are the boss, who cares what are you?

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Well, i dont wish a mod which changes all the story plot (pretty forced in my opinion)


Indeed, it's supposed to be. How can BioWare, or any game developer for that matter, tell the story they want to tell you if it's ENTIRELY open ended ? There has to be some forced instances to keep the story going the way they intend.


i just want to have the option in the chat to say Duncan "MakerDamn psycho, you make me sick", not to always prettend he was brave and all that.


Fine that you want the option, but Duncan wouldn't respond to you any differently of course. Nobody has the actor on call afterall ;). Even though I think your opinion is flawed as I said above. Duncan was brave. He did what had to be done. I'll not begrudge him for that.


And damn, i want Alistair to see the thruth about him.


Besides the same conflict with not having the voice actor (I suppose you could have somebody else record new lines if they could sound similar to him, heh), Duncan was a father figure to Allistair. He knows he did what he had to do with Jory as well. He's no psycho killer or anything. He just made the hard choice. Should he of let Jory run away with the secret of how wardens are made ?


Edit: Besides, why cant you save the world without being a grey warden? if im not wrong, there is only 2 grey wardens in the team, and alistair is a p*ssy. if you are the boss, who cares what are you?


Evidently you haven't finished the game yet. I'll say no more.

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Evidently Jory missed a bit when he was recruited. In dialogue you have an option about his wife that's something like "So you abandoned her?". If you add all that dialogue up it seems to me that Jory expected to be able to join the Grey Wardens, help defeat the Blight, and then return to his wife. But in the Origin stories it becomes evident that joining the Grey Wardens means severing all family ties forever.


But I do agree that even though BioWare added a few lines -especially in the Dalish Elf Origin: "You cannot make me obey against my will"; or something similar- you're apparently stuck with becoming a Grey Warden and having to stay with the rest of your party for the rest of the game. While party members may get to a crisis point and leave the fellowship, it might have been more fun -or realism- if you could remove the PC from the party selection screen and combine a four men fellowship without the PC. It'd be fun to see that the PC can have a crisis moment to and leave. that way you'd be forced to play as Alistair -shudder.

You might say: then what's the point of creating a character? The point is "roleplaying"; if I want to play as a character who actually wants to become a warden and save the day, then okay. If I want to play as a character who resents being dragged into this mess, then it'd be nice to have a gradual wash-out procedure. Let Alistair save the day, as he so loves to be the good guy. Then in the closing slideshow, you can have a brief comment on the fate of the washed out PC.

Usually, as such a mod does not yet exist, if I want to play as a more reallife person with all his/her flaws, and not some 2-dimensional saint. I end up tormenting the hell out of Alistair and doing all the things that Duncan would abhor; I refuse to save Redcliffe, I don't aid the needy, I bully my way through the game. But that's mostly game-frustration-induced evil.

Let's face it, while it can be nice to be a Paladin like hero at times, Paladins are ultimately boring people.

If BioWare had added a few more roleplaying options, it could have been so much better.

I don't mind if I have to follow the subsequent quest so I progress through the game, I just would have liked a few more roads to lead to the same conclusion. And not just some alternative dialogue options.

If I don't like the politics of Orzammar, let me leave the dwarves to their budding civil war. Then create another tangent that will put me into the deep roads, get ambushed by Branka and be forced to go through Caridin's Gauntlet. Just allow me to ignore both Harrowmont and Bhelen if they wish to force me to do their dirty work in order to earn their support. If I'm a Paladin I don't mind being used; if I have a mind of my own, I dislike being a pawn in some political arena.

Give us the power to Refuse! Then cleverly devise a way to steer us back on to the path toward the endgame.

Being able to start fights with Dwarves who keep deriding my Dwarf Commoner, would be nice too; if I can't convince them to shut the f*ck up and get off my back, I wanna be able to bash some heads together until they get the message; just like Loghain's soldiers in the Lothering tavern. Bash 'em up, then they yield and grovel in the dirt. Teach those ingrates some respect.



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Duncan is not a psycho, he is a homicidal sociopath, big difference. I get that he had to kill to keep a secret, but it's secrets like that which drive people away ultimately. No one wants to be a soldier unless they are already a homicidal sociopath on some level, most soldiers become such because they wish to protect the one's they love, and then the military proceeds to brainwash these normal people into becoming programmable killing machines. Sucks but such is life, conflict in inevitable. That being said, I actually would have chosen to be a grey warden myself in that situation, not because I enjoy splattering people's brains, but because if they blight isn't stopped, my family, friends and lovers would all be dead. The storyline is a bit one dimensional, but to make it truly three dimensional would require vast resources to make, and vast resources to run, so they did well with what they had instead. No you don't get all the choices you like, but you still get to call duncan a murdering freak, you just take a hit with Alistar for saying so aloud. Toss a couple cool gifts his way and it's not a bad hit and move on.
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