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GECK - Snap to Grid


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I have been using the geck for Fallout 3 and I am pretty experienced using bethesdas editting software, but there is one aspect of it that infuriates me to no end. Why is it that when you set the editor to Snap to Grid with the intent of using pieces of the same static set to build a room; the pieces which are all supposed to be part of the same set seem to be set to snap to two entirely different grids? Why did the creators of this software decide that it was more practical to make modders and users of their program have to line parts of a room up manually rather than just have them snap together?

I will provide an example,

you are using a static set in the GECK called office, this set has all the pieces to make the interior of an office building stairs, doors, T-junctions, hallways, etc, etc. You want to create a stairwell so you use a simple piece with three walls and a door way, set the editor to snap to grid ( Because who in their right mind wants to line these pieces up manually?) and then you select the stairs from the same set. Now in theory these two pieces should snap together perfectly but for some reason they are literally a foot apart no matter what you try.


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Hey Wolf, I'll ask for a move..this isn't the right place to ask. Don't create a new topic! done


The snap to grid isn't always behaving the way people would like to, but with using the Z button and dragging the piece up it usually goes allright when it's a bit lower or hight than the other pieces. Stair pieces begin from the ground, they start from there. Therefore it's a slightly bit more difficult to put them together properly as the top isn't the central point.


ah TheChan beat me to it..Lol, I was on the phone, that wasn't fair! ;D.

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Why don't you change the snap settings. I usually have mine at 32 units for building the base structure, I have never had trouble with the snapping system. Try setting the Snapping to 16 units (Hit the button next to the save button to open the settings window), I think every set works at that setting.


That should get everything working :thumbsup:

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