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The mod

What this mod would do is to give you a choice to make your character's armor outfit and weapons always look the same regardless of what armor or weapon they're actually wearing, like in some MMO games that allow you to select visual gear separately from stat giving gear.



In my experience playing skyrim, i couldn't decide what character i wanted, so i went for an all-rounder

This means that in my inventory i always carried light armor, the dark brotherhood set, and the archmage robes, and depending on the situation i would use hotkeys to switch between them. I also am the type of person who will find a cool looking weapon skin on the nexus and replace the mesh with whatever i'm using at the time. Home-made replacers basically.


What this mod would achieve is to re-enforce immersion while allowing you to min-max your gear's stats.

Edited by lurkinthedark
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