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M134 minigun


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Title is self-explanatory i think


Basically i want an m134 minigun that is almost identical to the real one, it should have a rate of fire around 4000 rounds per minute (f3 minigun has an ROF of about 1200 rounds per minute), also it should have no magazine so you don't have to reload (which is the case on a real m134) finally the barrels should spin up immediately (so theres no delay when firing).


Does anyone want to do it? (cos you should :P)

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well recoil and weight. You gotta remember your carrying an 50 or so pound gun in your hands. And like 60+ pounds of ammo as well as you still need the batteries to power the barrel rotation. All that weight would through pretty off balance to be handling 4000rpms. Just a thought something like this to not be a god weapon would have to be extremely inaccurate and only usable with a power armor?
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Back whilst I was carousing mods for Oblivion I noticed that some modders had figured out how to make animated models. You could track down the tutorial and make it so the barrels are constantly spinning, and change the firing animation to the flamers therefore eliminating the startup time. The only problem would be that the barrels would spin even if the gun was on the ground.
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