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Help with FOMM and other fallout mods.


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I have modded morrowind and oblivion alot, but even then I have just been lost. But after awhile I got use to it.


Fallout 3 I can't seem to get anything to work. Where do I install mods? Data folder right? Do it and they don't show up. I have the archieve invaldiation thing btw.


I tried FOMM but use to have it in program files - Betheseda softwors - fallout 3. Then I tried program files - Betheseda softwors - fallout 3 - Data.


I don't really get what it does? When i download a mod where do i put it at, like in the FOMM mods folder? Or data what? Tried all of them and still the FOMM screen is blank. And they don't show up in Fallout 3 launcher.


Im beyond lost when it comes to Fallout 3, I have UAC diabled also. Im on Vista so I disbabled it. I don't have the disk atm to reinstall it in another location. Though if I must ,could I not just copy the entire folder to another location and delete from program files? Or will that not work.


Anyways, I would appreciate any help, thanks.

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