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some questions


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first off , my name's Thomas , and im a total noob when it comes to modding , I made my first 4 mods a day ago , and those were just adding items to an inventory


now , for my question/problem


I would like to learn more about making my own classes and spells , but I don't know where to start , scripting is ... troublesome for me , and I don't know how to convert .xls files to .GDA files

so can someone help ?






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Hi Thomas,


you should begin with a new spell - but beware, most spells are not that easy and you´ll need a little experience in scripting / c++.

I would recommand this tutorial:


Quite clear and good written. Helped me a lot to understand the spell-mechanics.


The xls-gda-converter is called ExcelProcessor.exe and could be found somewhere in the DragonAge/tools -Directory - use the search-function :)


For a new class you could use this:



But I wouldnt start with that one.

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thx for the help :)


starting with the spell first


and I found the converter , although its pretty hard to use , always gotta run DOS and do it that way ... but hey , it works :P


and about that scripting knowledge ... ive got none :P any help on this would be very much appreciated

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run DOS???


You could just drop the file on the processor and it would be converted automatically.


well , for some reason ( I tried it ) it wont work with me , so im running DOS to execute it


btw , I made my first spell :P

now on to another ...

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