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Retextured Lightning


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I was wondering if someone can make a mod that changes the lightning in skyrim to go from a


Violet Blue-



To maybe a Cyan-Blue



Yellow/Gold Variant(my Favorite)




Or even a Chaotic Red+ black for players who want to be evil wizards/mages

http://www.shuniu.in/s/west/u/f/1400140988.jpg*image from Infamous 1*


I think this would be a great aesthetic mod just to add allittle more customization to our characters and would reflect who or what our characters would be.

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Do it yourself. Retexture the lightning texture.

Takes you 10 min of googling to learn, and 5 more to do.


And do not bump request threads. It will get it deleted.

Oh, and don't demand things. We do not need to do, or answer, anything.

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