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Looking for "Soft" Normal Map


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I'm looking for what I can only describe as a "soft" normal map for the vanilla/UNP family of female bodies.


I've been using the "delicate" default normal, but even that still yields a noticeable abdominal centerline, which is what I'm trying to avoid.


I am somewhat familiar with GIMP, so in lieu of an existing file, if anyone can offer advice on editing the normal I have to smooth the abdominal region without creating messy artifacts, that would work as well.

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The Milkdrinker texture set might be more to your liking. Still has some midline but it's probably as soft as you're going to find already available. To alter your own you just have to open the body texture file with the _n extension and then adjust the depth of the map, you can find tutorials on the Nexus wiki or through google on how to adjust normals.

Edited by Oubliette
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