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Help with skin texture for a modded character


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I have been "tweaking" mods lately to my personal taste. I can use the CS and mod other people's work but am not skilled enough to make my own yet. I use the hi-rez textures from HGEC and use the HGEC body, Normal E-cup and Large bottoms. I have given the ladies in the mod "The Heart of the dead" a makeover and one of them, Wintermoon, has such low-rez skin textures that her skin looks "fuzzy" almost. The other lady, Kat, does not have this problem and she is a semi-custom race called "Breton freckled" that looks like it was made just for this mod. Wintermoon is a Ren's Mystic Elf race according to the CS. All my other Ren's mystic elves not associated with this mod have the hi-rez body textures. Matter of fact, all of my females in my game have the hi-rez skin textures EXCEPT for Wintermoon. Her face's textures are hi-rez but her body isn't. I thought to try putting different armor on her "progressions" through the game. The armor goes on just fine but where you can see body skin, it is still low-rez. I haven't tried to do anything with body textures because until now I haven't needed to with the great OMODs like HGEC and the NEC's High-Res textures that lets you choose race by race features to personalize your ladies bodies.


It is like there is something in this mod over riding my HGEC and NEC settings that other mods don't do. I use other mods like Saerileth, Viconia (ch 1 and 2), Colourwheels (multiple mods from her) and all of them have no problems even when I sometimes change to HGEC to H-cup LL bottoms or change the NEC hi-rez settings. ALL change EXEPT for Wintermoon. I looked both in the CS and in the data folder. The problem is I don't know where to look. I can do the copy and paste for the skin textures if I knew where they were for this character. That is how the meshes and textures for the Akaviri Katanas ALL look like Vagabond's great work. No more rusty, worn looking katanas for the blades. :thumbsup:


Please don't just say "Get Wrye Bash and just bash a working race for Wintermoon". I am not going to get wrye bash. This should be able to be done without that. This is the only issue I have with my game left to fix/tweak. I can see where the texture for Kat's head is and there is another folder that overwriting doesn't help....so I just put it back the way it was. Please help.


Here is a SS of my version of Wintermoon. You can see the hi-rez face textures but if you look at her chest, you can see the low-rez textures I am talking about.


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the first thing you need to do is figure out which esp the race is on. often time's the npc is linked to a copy of the race and not the actual race esp.if it is a copy it will be on the same esp as the npc using it. once you know that you need to open the race and click on body data. the one's you are interested in is the foot and hands. you should be able to see from there where the file's are located or just point it to some other texture.
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I looked in the hod textures body folder and only the Kat head in the "bw_kat" folder and the footfemale and footfemale_n were in a folder named "bw_bab". I had already tried to over write them with the corresponding textures in the Ren's original race file. It made no difference in game so I had just switched them back. I did rename the Ren's original textures to match what is in the hod body folder when I did it. Wintermoon is indeed a copy but I am not versed enough to know where her body textures are coming from. I don't seem to have this kind of problem with meshes but textures always seem to stump me with how to apply them without using someone else's work as a model.


Thanks for trying to help but it seems like I am going to need someone to be more specific for me. There are some full body armors that look very nice and sexy that I will use for Wintermoon until I can get this figured out. What I don't understand is Kat is a custom copy of a Breton race and I don't have this issue....oh well. Kat is a little "broader in the beam" than normal Breton and her bewbs are bigger than my default E-cup HGEC settings....not that it is a problem.....but her textures are hi-rez.


Again, thanks for trying to help. Anyone else have an "easier for this newb to follow" suggestion lol?

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