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A GREAT IDEA! Real Time Inventory


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I always thought it was funny how the dovakhiin could literally use some kind of omnipotent magic, that could freeze time and allow him to eat his food, drink his potions, and what not, and then unfreeze time and continue on like normal. I'm not really those type of people that are super into Immersion. I think it would be a nice and bad ass idea to add in real time inventory.


It could add immersion and add a level of difficulty of into the game. The player would actually have to think about when and where to open his inventory to switch out weapons, drink potions, eat food, or switch armors. I mean, you can't just open your inventory while surrounded by a group of bandits/enemies, a dragon, or an elite monster/enemy and expect them to just wait for you.


To get more vivid picture of how this real time inventory would be like, think of the real time inventory/crafting system from the game, "The Last of Us". I think the idea of actually seeing your character looking through his actual inventory while everything else is still continuing on around you would be really nice. Imagine the urgency you would feel when you're low on health and you have to run away and find a safe place to open your pack and drink your potions. You will actually have a use for having a follower, for your follower could distract the enemy and you can go cower behind a rock and drink your potions!


Sadly, I am not a modder nor do I have the aptitude/patience to become one. My mind is filled with ideas, but sadly I do not posses the skills or the patience/intelligence (I hate numbers and variables and please, don't even mention coding to me my brain would die.) to learn the skill.


If there is anyone who is interested in making this kind of Mod, I would be extremely grateful to you.

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