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Need Help with cs


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im sry for wasting your time, but i am unable to find a solution for this.

im trying to create an npc with the construction set and make a companion. i alrdy made a face with facegen modeller 3.4, and i even managed to put it on a savegame of a maincharacter (facegen to oblivion converter used). but i have no idea about applying this face neither on an existing npc by using Cs nor by creating a new npc my using Cs (i dont know how to import face in Cs? is it even possible?). i do it like the description of cs wiki says "rightclick -> new etc." (i read it all but it doesnt help me) i cant even get the hole list of all npcs loaded in the Cs (because im a fukin noob with it, sry). and i cant select race, only the vampire race is available (wtf).

the easiest solution would be, if i just could make out of this maincharacter-savegame a companionmod (since it has the face/hair i wanted to have it). i googled for hours, but i cant find anything appropriate.

im very sure u guys can help, since there are many companion-makers.

thanks in advance and merry xmas :thumbsup:



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There is a good tutorial that illustrates the basic features of the CS fairly well here:



If you wish to only create a character, you can go here:



Both are articles on the wiki, but you really should get through that first one. It is a little grueling at times, but if you can get it down it will give you a decent grasp on the CS. If you want to get a full course on modding, start there. If you only want to do the absolute basics, skip it. There is a shorter but somewhat more difficult to follow (in my opinion) article here:



If you go with 'my first dungeon' then don't get too caught up in making the floor plan exact :turned: I personally completed all three of those tutorials and got some real jewels of knowledge out of each. All are worth at least a read to help you familiarize yourself with the program.


If you like tutorials, let me know and I'll post links to a few of my other favorites.


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i was able to create my npc and place it in the world. however, i cant import the correct face of my earlier savegame to the mod (with wyrebash: import face / savegame) on




it says:


" Best Practice


• Start by creating an empty "PC Faces.esp" mod. You can easily do this by using the construction set, or you can copy "Blank.esp" from Mopy\Extras.


• Use this single mod as your face "library". Import any interesting faces from saves, then use TESCS to further edit "PC Faces.esp". "


what does he mean with pc faces.esp ??? i do the import face thing mentioned below on that link, but it has no effect. i created a .esm master file, imported, no effect. :wallbash: sry for being such a colossal noob, but i dont know how to do it correctly ~~ please help!



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Just in case you haven't already, make sure you've downloaded Wrye Python first before you begin using Wrye Bash






After that, here are the steps to importing your character's face to the mod:



1: Start up the editor and select only the Oblivion.esm file to be read.


2: Once it has loaded, save the mod as anything, for example, test.esp


3: Leave the editor


4: With wrye bash and python installed, start up Bash through the launcher


5: In the launcher console, scroll over to mods where you should find a list of all the .esp's and .esm's that you have in your data folder. Keep searching down till you find the mod you just saved.


6: When you find your mod, right click on its name in the launcher where a list should appear. Scroll down to import and go to import face


7: Now a list of your savegames should appear. Go to the savegame with the face you want, select it, and click ok.


8: Your characters face ought to be imported to your mod with the prefix "sgImpu" followed by "your character's name" and ended with "00".


9: Start up the editor again and load up your mod.


10: Your character's face is in the mod under the ID form mentioned in #8. Now, it is up to you how you want to use this face.

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after installing python (which has no executable tool) i found myself unable to open wyre bash. it simply wont open. neither uninstalling python nor setting the hole system back 1 week would help. now i cant do A S H I T. omfg thanks dude ....
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please help!! i cant restore anything so that wyre bash would work! i cant find anything on the web that would explain me how to handle this. wyre bash is *banned* up because of this python installation ???? no way! whats going on ?


all i know is that python and bash work together dont they? (im a big noob dont tell me) but i neither got a clue how i installed this crap 2 years ago nor can i find anthing that would explain me ... pls help

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I don't have that problem with the program on my computer, so I can't directly help you with that


However, you may want to look at this Wrye bash installation and error guide:




This may also help:



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