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How can I control an activator idle animation?


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In the mean time, and because I'm sorry to kind of hijack your thread, BarbyFN, I made the object that should fit your need.

Forward is the stop state

Backward is the animated state


Play a bit with the base script given by prensa, add a playgroup Backward command et voilà ! :smile:



You works really fast, I didn't noticed it before posting, ha! Thank you for this improved nif, it makes me easier decide what to do! =]

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BarbyFN - Hello!

"Thanks for all suggestions; they will be really useful, kudos for all."

Thank-you kindly!

Glad to have been of help. :)

Good luck with your project!


pixelhate - Hello!

" Yes, it is. :) The buttons are coming from a console and retain the glow/pulsating animation."

I figuered as much considering your skill with animated textures.

"A quick test."

A promising one too. :)

"I made the object that should fit your need."
"You works really fast, I didn't noticed it before posting, ha! Thank you for this improved nif"

We're going to have to start calling pixelhate "Speedy Gonzalez" the fastest Nifskoper in the west. :)


Usually takes me about that time to just remember all the things I've forgotten. :)

"Two more variations I have done"

The blue one is cute, made me think of the TARDIS due to the colour & it's light. :)


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