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Race Stats


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Hey guys - so this is where I break down, sob uncontrollably and curse all of you lucky bastards - I haven't bought Oblivion yet, and won't for another month or so; I have too much to do, and let's face it, if I buy it, there's a good chance no-one will see me again untill fall.


But please help me pass the time and dream of my character: Can anyone give me exact info on the races - stats, skill bonuses, special abilities? Kindda like this info for morrowind (not the guide, just the cold, hard facts and stats):




You would be helping me alot - thanks in advance!

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Well, i wonder if posting information from the strategy guide is illegal or not, but let me copy some quick info from the manual for those who might want a simple text version.


Argonian: Alchemy +5, Athletics +10, Blade +5, Hand to Hand +5, Illusion +5, Mysticism +5, Security +10

Resist Disease, Immunity to Poison, Water Breathing


Breton: Alchemy +5, Alteration +5, Conjuration +10, Illusion +5, Mysticism +10, Restoration +10

Fortified Magicka, Dragon Skin, Resist Magicka


Dark Elf: Athletics +5, Blade +10, Blunt +5, Destruction +10, Light Armor +5, Marksman +5, Mysticism +5

Ancestor Guardian, Resist Fire


High Elf*: Alchemy +5, Conjuration +10, Destruction +10, Illusion +5, Mysticism +10

Weakness to Fire, Frost, and Shock, Resist Disease, Fortified Magicka


Imperial: Blade +5, Blunt +5, Hand to Hand +5, Heavy Armor +5, Mercantile +10, Speechcraft +10

Star of the West, Voice of the Emperor


Khajiit: Acrobatics +10, Athletics +5, Blade +5, Hand to Hand +10, Light Armor +5, Security +5, Sneak +5

Eye of Fear, Eye of Night


Nord: Armorer +5, Blade +10, Block +5, Blunt +10, Heavy Armor +10, Restoration +5

Nordic Frost, Woad, Resist Frost


Orc: Armorer +10, BLock +10, Blunt +10, Hand to Hand +5, Heavy Armor +10

Berserk, Resist Magicka


Redguard: Athletics +10, Blade +10, Blunt +10, Light Armor +5, Heavy Armor +5, Mercantile +5

Adrenaline Rush, Resist Poison, Resist Disease


Wood Elf: Acrobatics +5, Alchemy +10, Alteration +5, Light Armor +5, Marksman +10, Sneak +10

Beast Tongue, Resist Disease



But most important: pick whatever race you want, and just work to excel. Remember, these skill bonuses increase your starting skill, not the maximum. For example, I am an Imperial as a sneakier character, mainly because I could remake my face as an Imperial. Also worth noting is that every race has different attribute scores at the start.


*I don't know why, but it seemed Bethesda likes nerfing High Elves since Daggerfall (since they were overpower bugged). Their bonus to magic is less than a Breton, and they are weak to every type of magic under the Elder Scrolls sun.

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Yeah, the skills lists per race type seem to have stayed fairly close to the norms set in morrowind, small question, wheres medium armour gone? they havent got rid of it have they? I have the game but my pc won't run it, but one of my m8s saved my sanity and let me run it on his pc (as a result he's frantically hunting for a copy lol) and couldn't see any, they haven't done away with it have they?
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Medium Armor is unfortunately gone. They just put all the medium armor into Light. Spears are also gone, which was disappointing for me, because I like to make a Dragoonish/Spear-Knight character.


It looks like they cut down on the amount of skills to make it so each attribute (save for Luck) governs three skills.

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Fantastic - you guys are lifesavers, thanks a lot! But jdarksun, that link doesn't work for me, is it right?
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God thats a pain..., so when they said there were 6 main types of armour for each class does that mean there are only 12? And why on earth did they get rid of spears, I love playing a light armoured wood elf with a bow and a big sharp stick to finish the enemy off with! So as far as weapon skills u've only got blunt, blade marksman and unarmed??? Thats another thing that wound me up, putting axes into blunt weapon?! WHY??? I do medieval re-enactment and confirm from personal experience that axes sure as hell ain't blunt! As well as that getting rid of spears is a really bizzare choice as in reality spear and polearm weapons are the most common wearpons you would see in an army due to the cost of swords, spears are just more available.
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Fantastic - you guys are lifesavers, thanks a lot! But jdarksun, that link doesn't work for me, is it right?

Works for me - it should point to: http://www.oblivionmods.info/

Are you getting an error message, or is it timing out? It was slow yesterday, seems fine today.


Yeah, I think 12 types of armor is right (fur / leather / chainmail / mithril / elven /glass, and iron / steel / dwarven / orcish / ebony / daedric). They got rid of spears entirely, meaning that there is not only no spear skill, there are no spears in the game. As for why axes are "blunt weapons", that category is probably better renamed to "hafted" weapons. They all rely on weight and force to do damage, instead of a thrusting motion or a cutting edge (yes, axes are sharp, but they're still not the type of weapon you cut and thrust with).


It's probably best to keep in mind that Oblivion isn't based in medieval Europe, and thus doesn't have to play by historical rules. ;)

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yeah I know what u mean as far as realisn, after all, lizardfolk, catpeople, magic... In medieval europe that would be the cue for a gang of angry peasants to form a lynch mob. I think u'r right about the hafted weapons thing, that would've been a nice touch, and I must conced u r right they are inertia weapons so I can see why they put them in the same class. As we know only get to choose 7 skills anyway I guess its kind of important that some of them have been rolled into one.
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