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Thoughts on mods requiring users to own DLC?


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There are even more assets available for free on the Nexus than in both DLC's combined.


What assets would you like to use from the DLC's and I can find an equivalent right here on the Nexus. It's out there, just look.

It's mostly DLC scripts, effects and shaders and a few models at this point.


Shaders can be easily ported from DLC, it's just a collection of values. Maybe a texture that can be easily duplicated.

Effects, it depends on which ones.

DLC scripts, I don't know much about scripts but code is just text. If someone happens to write a script similar to one in the Dragonborn DLC how can someone prove it was stolen. How many recipes are there for regular chocolate chip cookies? Know what I mean?

Edited by JobVanDam
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