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Favorite Oblivion NPCs


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While there are many that we hate, there certainly are those NPC's that we still like



Some that I like:



1: Lucien Lachance. The main speaker of the DB


2: Baurus, strangely enough


3: The Grey Fox. Outright cool


4: Sheogorath. One word: Epic


5: Alves Uvenim. Personally, I thought she was one of the friendlier people in the MG.



I might remember some more later on.

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Surprisingly enough, I don't remember either Amusei or Bhisha, even though the names ring a bell. Who were they again?


Amusei is the Argonian that you keep running into throughout the thieves guild questline, and Bhisha is the Kahjit in Shivering Isles that is obsessed with dogs.

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