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Favorite Oblivion NPCs


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Only Sheogorath and Amusei.


I thought the gray fox was going to be a bad ass but when I saw him the first time I was "WTF it's just some fat guy with a round baby face"


Lol dude! Well said :thumbsup:

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Umm..Shadowmere is not NPC, it's a horse.


Not to nitpick... but if its "alive" in a game and you can't play as it... its an NPC... so hey. Non-playable charactor. I wonder if theres a mod that will let you play as a horse... ho hum. :D


Reason I bring that up?

The fox that lives around Cheydinhal Falls (UL mod) is quite possibly my favourite NPC. Cute little sod he is.


Of course, Sheogorath rocks, and seals position no. 2.


Annnd... The Annoying fan. Why?? Because I know he iritates the hell out of everyone. Me? I just find him slightly annoying. Which means he's doing exactly what he should be doing. :)



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