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Favorite Oblivion NPCs


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Lots of them.....


Delphine Jend -- she seems so bland and normal, 'til you find out just how much she loves her work.

Owyn -- it doesn't matter what your rank is in the Arena, you're still some inconsequential slug that's crawled into HIS bloodworks.

Bugak gro-Bol -- he has such a knack for customer service.

Captain Burd -- anyone who can survive a battle with a horde of Daedra while wearing a green brocade doublet is okay by me.

Dervera Romalen -- she's just so smiley.

Trenus Duronius -- "Shoo-shoo!"

Jeanne Frasoric -- I can't help but have a soft spot for a mage's guild leader whose summoned scamp only lasts for 3 seconds.

Modryn Oreyn -- he's just a decent, honorable guy, even if I'm certain his breath reeks. And he's quite the artist too.....

Dar-ma -- She's just so sweet. I really want to teach her to read. I think she'd appreciate that.


Oh, and Haskill -- I just love that he's completely unimpressed by everything.

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Dar Jee - He' just so freaking funny... hahaha... oh... Dar Jee


Dynari Amnis - In my opinion the most beautiful vanilla girl in Cyrodil, and somewhat complicated as a character. Always talking about chapel, and then works undercover for the thieves guild.


Bruma Countess Milona Umbranox - Seems to be the only Count/Countess without a major character flaw.


Baurus - Loyal, Courageous, and willing to risk his life for what he believes in, whats not to like.

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