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who are you for fallout 3


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My current character is Naomi, Asian ancestry.

In her mind, dad never really wanted to have children. He only loved his wife, Catherine. She did want to have children. Guess, what? Since dad really cared about his wife's happiness, he chose to honor her wish. Alas, cruel fate had other intentions, turning the child he never wanted into the murderer of his beloved wife. A constant reminder: the one who took away his happiness, his resolve, his will to live.

Killing this child would probably leave him with grippling guilt towards Catherine and so he decided to bring her to one of those Vaults. When she was old enough, he decided his promise to his wife was fulfilled and he abandoned her. Knowing what a mentally unbalanced bully the Overseer was, dad must have been able to anticipate that his daughter would be considered guilty by association when he escaped Vault 101 -her fate would be decided. Whatever the outcome, dad was free once more.

Once outside, Naomi doesn't go looking for dad; that was per his own request, according to his recorded farewell on the holotape she found.

Instead she needs to explore this alien world, this Capital Wasteland -and soon she finds herself fighting for mere survival. She needs to hone her skills accordingly, so she can get passed locked doors, disable security turrets and gain access to food, ammo and other resources and even a place to spend the night in relative safety. She soon finds herself bartering with all kinds of Wasteland inhabitants. With mutual mistrust and the everpresent knowledge that a simple trade situation could quickly deteriorate into an exchange of gunfire.

When she -quite accidentally- picks up dad's trail, she is driven more by instinct than by reason, to find him. After freeing him, Naomi feels gutted; feeling that the project her father was forced to abandon, does indeed seem more important to her dad than his only child.

She then drifts along, knowing that if she keeps her guard down like this, she won't last very long in the unforgiving Wasteland. Yet, somehow, death seems preferable to the notion, that she was nothing more than an exchanged gift in a doomed relationship, ready to be discarded when it no longer served a purpose.

Dad was left to his own devices to see if he could make his lifelong dream -the Waters of Life- come true. Whether he would succeed or not, his daughter was already lost to him. She always had been -ever since Catherine died.

What became of the Lone Wanderer is anybody's guess. Some say she died in a hail of gunfire -others say she wasted away with some horrible disease. Some stories tell of how she became a ghoul who finally went feral.

The closest thing to the truth is, that no one really knew her true fate. And maybe that's for the best.

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