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Audo Codec Help


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Hey guys, I'm experiencing a problem with my music in Oblivion, here are the symptoms.



Voices are functioning properly

Misc Sounds (sword swings, clangs, smacks, general sound effects) are working properly

No crashing or anything like that

No music at all in the game

-no title music

-no exploration music

-no battle music

-music for the oblivion launcher works fine though

-no music for when I die


Treatment results:

Volume - Yes, it's up, thank you.

bMusicEnabled = 1

bSoundEnabled = 1

data --> music --> [battle][Explore][public][dungeon][special] are existant and have the files in them

Additionally, I can play each of those files in iTunes and whatnot


I'm really thinking I have a missing codec or something but I don't know which ones I need or how to check it or which ones I have and how to check them as well as how to get the ones I need if I ever find out which ones they are. This isn't something that recently happened, I have never had music from oblivion from the first install, so I can rule out my mods, even though I don't even have any music or sound mods. I'm not using like headphones or anything like that, I got a speaker set plugged into my machine.


As for my machine itself, this is what I got from a quick hardware detection:


Manufacturer: ASUS

Processor: Intel® Core2 Duo CPU E6550 @ 2.33GHz (2 CPUs)

Memory: 2048MB RAM

Hard Drive: 137 GB

Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT

Monitor: Norwood Micro 17" Monitor

Sound Card: Realtek HD Audio output

Speakers/Headphones: Altec Lansing Multimedia Output

Keyboard: Logitech G15 Gaming Keyboard

Mouse: Razer Mamba

Operating System: Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3 (2600.xpsp_sp3_gdr.080814-1236)

Motherboard: P5GC-MX / 1333


I saw an assload (ok maybe like 5) threads with people having the same problem as me, most had 0 replies and the other one was unresolved. While I don't really mind blasting my own music with the oblivion sounds, it's a little sad not knowing what oblivion itself sounds like...


hopefully somebody can walk me through this or help me out a bit.


Thanks in advance if any...

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Before anyone tells you it could be a problem with your onboard sound card...I have the same card and it plays anything and everything I need it to which includes games (new and old), movies and music with no issues at all.


You can download this Codec pack which is the most recommended pack on the Net. The installer will also detect broken or unneeded codecs and remove them for you. You can configure the program after installing to work with Oblivion although I never found this necessary. It always has Oblivion as an exclusion for FFShow video and audio codecs (the ones that often cause issues).


For example if you have FFShow Audio or Video Decoder icons in your system tray when you play Oblivion or any game for that matter, then you need to use the Config tools that come with the Codec program and make exclusions.


K-Lite Codec Pack




PS...a little tip. :biggrin:

Red text is very hard to read on this background.

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Sorry, it's my favorite color. What's the background for you? For me it's black so I thought it wouldn't be straining at all. But anyway, back on topic:


I'm in the installation window and it's asking me which components to install. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???? lol I have no idea what I need and there are some I can't choose if I pick others. Do I just let it go on default?


Sorry, I'm really clueless :[

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Sorry, it's my favorite color. What's the background for you? For me it's black so I thought it wouldn't be straining at all. But anyway, back on topic:


I'm in the installation window and it's asking me which components to install. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???? lol I have no idea what I need and there are some I can't choose if I pick others. Do I just let it go on default?


Sorry, I'm really clueless :[


The background for me is varying shades of gray on a wide screen LCD monitor.


Just go with the default install. The program knows which codecs should be on your system depending on other programs you have installed and will detect any that shouldn't be there. For example sometimes if you're browsing the net you might look at a video or play a sound clip and pick up a codec for a player that's (sometimes) suspect and problematic.


The K-Lite installer will do it all for you on default.

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Kay, it's done now, except it didn't work. Nothing changed though I still have sound an everything nothing went wrong, at least nothing that I know of, but there's still no music :/


It also had me delete a buncha stuff from the registry because some values were invalid and like 20 files weren't found or something.


Do I restart or something? Do I needa get some like some other 3rd party stuff to work this out?


EDIT: Uh oh, now in game everything is rather glitchy. Everything freezes up for one second every second so it's like I'm playing a slideshow. And then after several minutes of that, I crash to the desktop.

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Yes you need to reboot after editing the registry.


Once you get it running set Windows Media Player as the default for MP3


That's interesting. I have iTunes as my default MP3 player and have done for a couple of years with no problems since Windows Media Player caused me issues.


Depends on different systems I guess.

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It still doesn't work after the reboot and it doesn't matter what I set as the default for MP3's. And I'm still getting the slideshow effect.


I also read somewhere that I'm supposed to have some MPEG-2 stuff, which apparantly I don't have anymore...


I don't know if it will fix anything but it's worth a try, anyone know where I can get an "MPEG-2 Audio Decoder?"



P.S. : wtf why didn't anyone tell me I spelled Audio wrong in the thread title, I feel like an idiot.


P.P.S. (5:37pm) : Game always crashes to desktop after few minutes of playing now. Mpeg 2 Audio Decoder didn't fix that, still no music. Slideshow effect still present. In addition, how big are my saves supposed to be? I have some as big as 1 or 2 megabytes and some as small as 17 kilobytes. I suspect I have more problems than I'm aware of.


P.P.P.S. (6:05pm) : Backed up my saves and renamed the folder to see if the problem is only on my saves. Fortunately and unfortunately, they aren't. Problem persisted past saved data. I thought about reinstalling oblivion which wouldn't be a problem at all, yet with the data present it seems that wouldn't change a thing. Seems to be not oblivion related at all. I have a feeling the poo hit the fan when KLite deleted "broken files" for me...


Anyway I can get that stuff back? I'll attempt to revert to a save point on my computer to see if I can restore past settings and maybe I'll only have one problem then. Wish me luck


P.P.P.P.S (6:18pm) : F**K YEAH. Fixed it. I love windows I really damn do. They made this operating system specifically for people like me who like to mess with stuff and break things. This operating was made so that it can be broken and fixed easily. Macs are made to not break, and when they do you have to go buy a new one because nobody knows wtf to do.


Anyway all my crap is stable now and my music is still missing. Shall we try that again? *I'm really happy right now :D*

(You know, it's weird: in my head like 30 seconds ago when I typed the previous statement I thought to myself "damn I must have said the word 'anyway' about 10 times in this thread..." But I didn't. I checked, it's only 3.)

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