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An issue when starting a new game


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So, whenever I attempt to start a new game, I skip to where you wake up at the ripe old age of 19 as is normal with my quick start modification, but after that it just halts; no Amata, name input or Gene Projector™ pops up to let me continue the game. Sometimes I'm left standing frozen, but still able to look around and other times it just lets me walk around, but within an empty vault 101. I suspect it's one of my modifications conflicting with another as my hardware has never caused any problem up to this point, so I will just proceed to post my load list. Well, two pictures showing each a part of my massively extensive huge enormous list of modifications for a helpful soul to hopefully find the flaw in:




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Others do alot different and will argue. I dont claim to know much other than never run programs you will not b using. like Broken steele unless finished the first. or Pitt when beaten and etc. This helps processing
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It seems that this didn't work, with all the modifications disabled except those needed for starting the game, it won't start the quest or automatically bring up the name input or Gene Projector™. To add insult to injury, forcing the name input and Gene Projector™ menu won't start the quest when finished, and it won't let me choose a hair style anymore.
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