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Disable Skyrim Update


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Yes, I know you have probably already seen a lot of these threads and I apologize for that beforehand. But still, I don't find a solution, no matter where I look.


After having played Skyrim on the XBox, after a year or so I decided to buy myself a retail PC version (Legendary Edition). Now, after I installed Steam and it already annoyed me with masses of updates, I installed Skyrim and what do I see: It auto-downloads a patch! Who would have thought that? Now, the point is, I really have a slow connection. It is, honestly, so slow that I can't download it! To show you how slow it is:




So I tried reinstalling it and disabling the connection during doing so as quickly as possible... Same result, it still wants to download the goddamn patch:




So, already ignoring the fact that Steam doesn't even show me the download size, I was curious what the patch contains because as to my knowledge, all patches should already be included in the Legendary Edition. And then it hit me really hard:









So, to sum it all up:


1. I can't play the offline game I bought

2. because Steam forces me to download a Gigabyte sized patch containing Russian, Czech and Polish into my game

3. which I can't because I freaking can't download a Gigabyte sized patch.


So I wanted to know, and thought because this forum is frequently visited and I already have an account here:




Is there anyone, please, anyone who has a fix for this in all those years Skyrim has been out that doesn't let me download something that is impossible for me to download?


(the bar doesn't move a bit and it simply won't even when I will wait for one day, which is, by the way, not only irrational but also impossible for me)

Edited by Owrocc
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Well, seems like I have solved it myself, no Russian, Czech and Polish but one wrong adjustment that made Steam download masses of data.

Sorry to have posted this thread then. Of course not to Bethesda, it's not like I ever asked for Steam.

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