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Revenant as a recruitable character!


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Greetings fellow Dragon Age: Origins players! I hope you're all well and enjoying your holidays.


A mod request forum, huh? I was so glad when while looking for new Oblivion mods I stumbled across the DA:O version, and then found this sub-forum!


Not much of a surprise if I say that I am a fan of Revenants. They're pretty much the coolest enemies in the game, in my humble opinion at least, and one day I was toying with the idea to have one on my team. I know that canon-wise it is pretty much impossible to have such a bloodthirsty demon-possessed corpse to join one's cause, but in spite of that I would very much enjoy running around with a Revenant. They're so strong and have many great tricks up in their sleeves, so they would be no-doubt great additions to anyone's team! Way to make one's team imbalanced though, but I wouldn't give up their powers for any reason, haha. But being a little overpowered has never hurted anyone, hm? Besides it would be fun.


I have no idea how to mod DA:O and achieve what I am requesting as it is, but I can think of few things that can make this difficult, one of them mainly being the communicational problems. Though maybe it could be executed somehow similarly as the wardog, so the lack of voice-acting wouldn't be a problem. Also I wouldn't mind the inability to change their equipment.



I don't remember when I got the urge to have a Revenant on my team but it has remained only as a distant dream for a while now. I sincerely hope there are someone talented enough and to be willing to assist me. Also sorry if I went ahead of things, I would gladly hear your thoughts about this mod!




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