Alexotero1219 Posted May 16, 2014 Share Posted May 16, 2014 So I have played an incredible amount of Skyrim and over the course of playing I have come up with a few ideas that I would absolutely love to see implemented into the game as well as hear what other people think of these ideas. I have seen nothing really close to these ideas, at least in my experience browsing the nexus, and I have actually started trying to learn the CK and how to animate to try and implement these myself. However learning these has been slow going (making a good amount of progress in 3ds max though i guess) and I would like to share these ideas with all of you so someone may be able to pick them up and get a working version out faster than I ever could. Since each Idea will probably contain alot of text ill try and make it as easy to read as possible. I will list each mod from most desirable and realistic to implement to least desirable/realistic to implement. 1. Skyrim SmugglingI usually play a thief or outlaw type character but it always bothered me that the only real crimes one can commit in skyrim are very basic murder/assault/theft. So I got an idea that, with all the illegal items in skyrim, that smuggling could be a very interesting addition to the gameplay of criminal type characters. The way I see this working is two guard NPC's would be placed at the entrance of each major town/city. These NPC's would act as something similar to customs agents. If they manage to see the player go past a certain point and head into the town they will approach him. Upon opening dialog they will ask the player a few questions, what their name is, if they had committed any crimes, if they were carrying anything illegal, ect. ect. Here the player can tell the truth or lie with speechcraft determining the success of a lie. If the player is determined to already have a bounty the guards will be alerted. If the player is determined to be carrying illegal items then the player will be given a bounty based on the value of those items. Now I have put some thought into what could possibly be illegal items in Skyrim, and there are actually alot of possibilities. Obviously you have the usual skooma/stolen goods/moon sugar. However Talos worshiping paraphernalia could also be problem items as well, such as amulets of Talos but only in holds which it would be outlawed (solitude/morthal, markarth, falkreath, i think) whereas books like "the talos mistake" could be outlawed in stormcloak controlled holds.Finally once inside a town there could be NPCs to sell these illegal items to that would pay very large amounts of gold. I think there is alot to this idea and it could definitely be expanded on a lot more. I even wrote up a small quest line involving a band of smugglers, morthal, and a den of vampires. 2. "class" themed AnimationsI really liked how immersive a mod like dovakinn relax could make skyrim. This idea is kind of like DR in that the player would activate a power in order to play a random idle in a series of idles, just to add to immersion a bit. However the pool of idles that could be played on activation of the power would depend upon the players "class" or at least the intended play style the player was going for. There are two ways I see this working. First the power would determine which animations are available by looking at which guardian stone the player had active, the warrior, the thief, or the mage, and then play animations in accordance with each stone. Secondly the mod could add three powers so the player could pick and choose which style of animation idle he wanted to play. Some examples of animations are as follows (although im not actually sure if alot of them are doable, just some suggestions):The Warrior:-A swinging or twirling of the sword/mainhand weapon-Sharpening of the mainhand weapon with a whetstone-Picking at something in the theeth-spitting on the ground-scratching of back-others (?) The Thief:-Chewing on a piece of wheat or straw-flipping a septim in the air and catching it-pick at teeth with a dagger or arrow-flipping a lockpick in the air and catching it-twirling a lockpick around the fingers(the following are more designed for use while in a jail cell)-pressing ear up to the wall, potentially looking for that loose mortar-banging a cup/mug from side to side, to create noise along cell bars-resting arms out in front of the character, to rest them on the cell bars-carving a name or date or whatever into a a wall with a stone or lockpick.-other (?) The Mage-smoking on a pipe-reading a spellbook-messing with some magic fire, twirling around the hands or something-scratching head/beard in deep thought-taking notes with paper and quill-making a rub of something he saw on a wall, like esbern says to do at alduins wall I think-looking closely at a soulgem-tossing a soulgem up and down in deep thought-other (?) The animations themselves aren't particularly important they are just intended to show what I mean by class specific animations. 3. Skyrim Banking SystemThere are alot of mods that make remove death but make defeat a bit more punishing, death alternative comes to mind, so I thought why not add a system that allows the player to protect their money a bit better? The idea basically has a group within skyrim (I originally thought to use the vigilants, as something of a throwback to the knights templars and the voucher system) acting as bankers. The player could give over a certain amount of currency to an NPC in one of the major towns/cities and in return receive a voucher for that same sum that was a quest item and thus unable to be removed from the players inventory (rationale being that nobody would be able to use the dragonborns bank voucher so why even take it?). The player could then speak to any banker in any other city and turn in the voucher for the amount of gold he had placed in the bank. Once the basic system is created this could even be expanded upon to create buildings to house the bankers and gold that the player could rob. Maybe even allow the player to take jobs for the bank protecting someone who is moving very large amounts of gold. Or even the player himself could wait to rob one of the bank caravans leaving the city. There is a lot of possibility here I think. Thats about it, I thought I had more but I guess I forgot them. Heres hoping someone more skilled then me finds these ideas as interesting as I do. I would love to see these in game but would also like to hear other peoples opinions as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Firestar111 Posted May 17, 2014 Share Posted May 17, 2014 I would like a well done Godzilla and a Malmooth race from Doctor Who, also, Speed Racer stuff would be cool. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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