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Follower barracks


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No this is not a request for follower housing, what i would like is simply a mod that adds barracks where you can buy a generic follower for say 500 gold(like dawnguard battle troll), i tried both tundra defense and Become king of Riverhelm that add similar features but there are problems, tundra defense is buggy, it works via scripts and followers disappear all the time, on the other hand Riverhelm soldiers follow nicely but cant fast travel or be given orders individually, what apply to one applies to them all. What i would like is a simple mod that adds one or more generic followers (maybe different gear or race would be separate) that are identical in every way to vanilla mercs except they are generic and you can hire as many as you want. This would help with such mods as Mixed unit Tactics that requires you to collect followers all over Skyrim. The problem with other such mods is their authors got creative implementing their buggy system instead of using stable vanilla one.

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