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Craving that just won't quit


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First off, I'd like to thank the dedicated modders at tesnexus for their work, I honestly don't think Oblivion (and other Bethesda games, though highly replayable) would have the replay value that they do, without all of the modders contributing all of the additional content that they have.


I've been playing a lot of FO3 lately, and got into another (4th) "Bethesda kick" so here I am, yet again, installing everything I can find lying around the house with the ol' Bethesda name slapped on it.


But I'm vastly off topic atm xD so on to my request.

I've read through the "do a search first, there might be the same request" threads millions of times for millions of games, I recognize their importance.

But this is, a little off the wall. xD


Stay with me here for a sec. ;P

Have you gotten the mod to play as an Akaviri character?

Do you really like the Blades and all those nifty asian style buildings in other mods?


For those of you that say yes, ever find yourself feeling like you don't really fit in anywhere,

because there aren't really any akaviri villages around?


Now I know, I know, there'll be people that point to Akaviri Kojima and Akaviri Fuyohin, and

they're along the right path.

But what I'm really looking for are those old chinese/japanese villages up in the mountains, big old temple built into the cliff face, tea house/bath house taking up a solid 3rd of the village with it's jaw dropping scale, and the neat little homes all tucked closely together around it.


Again, I know, I know, it sounds like a lot of work xD chances are it is a lot of work, and entirely understandable if no one steps up to the task.


But like my title says, I've got a craving that just won't quit ;P

Downloaded every major akaviri style housing/clothing/weapon/armor mod that I could find in the past 4 days and to be perfectly frank (without being rude) it just hasn't quelled the craving beast within that wants nothing more than to sit in a teahouse quietly one minute, and then tear things up in an epic ronin duel the next. xD


All-in-all, if you're a modder and even read this and took it to consideration, thank you for your time, even if you don't follow through ^__^


If you DO decide you might want to try to make it work, I'd be more than happy to help test it and work with the modders towards the final product.


Questions, Comments, Ideas, or just anything you'd like to add, please email me at: [email protected]

and again, thank you! ;D

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Ok, so I was asked earlier via email to go into more detail with my post and I have to admit (I was rushed) it was a little vague.


What I'm picturing isn't just a cluster of 6 huts and a single floor shanty with a few tables in it as a teahouse, some 10x10 ft shack in the back to serve as a shrine.


I'm not entirely familiar with the regulations here and if I get into "no bueno" territory, let me know.


Basically what inspired me is an old PS2 game, "Way of the Samurai 2" where the central focus of the town there is a large teahouse/bath house/inn, surrounded by a hodge podge of homes and shops, several average sized outlying estates and a decent sized temple which had a shrine up a hill in the back with an amazing view over the whole town. xD


I was thinking along the lines of:

1 teahouse/inn (2-3 floors, open in the middle on the 2nd and 3rd if there is one).


Roughly 5 shops for various things from other akaviri mods, the shops themselves are covered

but open in the front, stairs on the side which lead up to the shopkeep's room above.


8-10 homes mixed in with the shops, all of which closely clustered around the teahouse.


2-3 outlying estates, 1 of which possible for player purchase. (other 2 occupied by rival families, possible chain of quests to bring order to the sleepy akav town)


Along the side of a hill a row of shinto archs leading up to the entry into the side of the hill itself,

where a handful of monks reside in a temple roughly the size of lets say, the cloud ruler temple without the wing with the armory, basically just the inside of CRT from the main hall, left.

All-in-all roughly 20 NPCs to go about their daily schedule around town.


Hope that helps a little more with the vision. ;P

If it can't or won't be done, say sooooo Dx

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Getting a decent number of views but no posted comments. ;P

2 birds, 1 stone, a senseless self promoting bump, and a request for people

to comment either approval or disapproval, things you might change, add, remove.

Anything at this point, I'm just getting that sinking feeling that as a new guy, the

idea will be ignored. xD

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Of course it could be done, even I could do it actually, but the problem is; I'm totally useless with scripts and modeling, I might be able to make some (pretty good, not perfect) textures, landscapes and towns.

If there's anyone else to actually agree to make this thing, I'd be gladly helping wherever I can.

I just have on a bit of a huge scale mod project myself, wich 'till this day has proved me that I'm lazy, but yeah,

as I said, I'd gladly help if someone else likes the idea. x)

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I would step up in an instant to help, but frankly, I can't stand the Japanese and Chinese.


Not the people, oh no, just the overwhelming obsession that the 13 year olds in my area have for the anime and the pocky and the whatnot that makes me feel less 18 and more 65. Thus, I don't think I would be of much help.


I know it isnt anything helpful, but hey, figured this thread deserved a post. Just trying to keep it alive for you xD

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I wouldn't think that many new models or textures would be needed, as you'll be suprised by how much you can build just by using stuff from Cloud Ruler Temple :)


That's what I was thinking, a lot of it could also be used from Akaviri Kojima, the clothing, weapon, and armor mods, etc.


I personally just haven't the slightest idea as to how to go about it.

I'm just guessing here but I think the bulk of the work would be setting up the town itself, and the chain of quests.


Anyone at all that's willing to help I'd appreciate it, I think it could be a pretty good addition to the game.

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