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Fallout: The Rejects


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(( My Christmas present to the Nexus forums! :biggrin: RP section has been dead for about a month, so my gift is to give it a lil life. PLEASE Do not post here if your application wasn't accepted, or you didn't even send me one. Read The Rejects thread in the RP announcements so ull know how to apply and what not, along with the rules.



Im the Game Master, Dungeon Master.. Gm DM what ever you wanna call it lol. Follow my lead and we can dance without any problems. oh yeah have fun :rolleyes: ))

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Daniel circles the 4 pack Brahmins, his left hand grazing them gently as he passed them. His other, resting on his assault rifles stock. They weren't the fittest he had seen, but they were strong enough to haul a large amount of crates of food, weapons, and other supplies. A trader sat near a flimsy desk, watching on as Daniel reached the heads of the leading brahmin. Daniel smiled as he looked past the sturdy gates of Providence, out to the destroyed surrounding that neighbored the small town. It was barely afternoon, and the sun was beaming down bright like it always did.


"Providence to Lebanon huh? Doesn't sound bad.." Daniel said as he brought his attention to the trader. he was a stocky man wearing a large brown winter coat with odds and ends attached to it. His appearance threw Daniel off, thinking it was too hot for such appareal.


"Well it is Mercenary. All sorts of creatures are in the wasteland, that never changes. And as for the raiders.. lets just say they aren't their friendliest this time around." The Trader said, as he brought a map out of one of his many pockets, then placed it flat face side up on a table next to them. He guided his finger along a barely made out road, then looked to Daniel.


"If we take this road, its much longer, but you will avoid most of those damn raiders. Keep heading west, will take you about half a day at most."


"So whats the story with the raiders in these parts? I've heard things.. But never got any of the full details.." Daniel questioned as he began to study the map.


"Haha.. Never heard of the Screaming Eagles I take it..There a group of Raiders.. Hell of a crew that one, trying to take over all the smaller gangs. Most accept without a fuss, but others.. well lets just say the Screaming Eagles don't take kindly to being told no. And they like Caravaners even less. Killing us onsight, taking our goods. They're giving us hell out there!"


Daniel laughed and shook his head at the man. Hell, He thought to himself. What can he possible know of a Hell?. Daniel stepped closer to the table standing right behind the trader.


"Don't worry, Ill get you and your supplies to Lebanon. Just as long as you get me and my team the caps. Or else we'll be the ones giving you hell." He winked at the Trader jokingly.


"2000 caps was what we agreed to right? 1000 there, and 1000 back."


"Bingo. And don't forget The food n water Roger."


"What? Food? your going to drive me out of bu-"


"Hey hey hey now take it easy friend" Daniel smirked, then places his hand on Rogers shoulder, quickly patting it to calm him down. "Mercenaries gotta eat too right? Besides if we don't, we will be too weak to protect your investment. THEN you'll be out of business."


The trader sighed, showing a sign of defeat, then rose up from his seat extending his hand for a shake, to seal the deal. Daniel matched the traders hand with his own and they both smiled.


"We'll leave within the hour. Sooner we leave sooner we can get back right?" Said the trader as he looked past Daniel and waved to a Woman and child, who were blowing kisses at the man. Daniel turned, then nodded to the family.


"Sooner we get paid too.."


"So wheres the rest of your team Daniel? I know I saw you come into town with a few others.."


"Hell if I know. told em to meet me at the town hall in a bit, tell them whether or not we got the job or not." Daniel sighed, then though better be keeping a low profile like I told em..


"Well ya go the job! why don't you go on and round em up?" Roger said jokingly to Daniel. He laughed at his own statement, but quickly stopped as he say Daniel wasn't laughing. Daniel's gaze was on the small town of Providence. The buildings were mostly in ruins, Except for the Three 9s Tavern, the church, that stood strong serving as the towns City Hall. A few Townhouses that bordered between the Church and the train station. Outside of the station were old train cars, that became makeshift shelters for those that couldn't afford to live in the nicer homes aside the church. Daniel didn't like the town. Seeing it as too cramped and dirty. But the people were full of life, trying to get by as he was. And he couldn't help but take interest at the tavern, for he smelt the aroma of Home brew Alcohol he was dying to taste sense he arrived the day before.


"Yeah.. I think Ill go do that.." Daniel said to Roger, then began to head in the direction of the town. His mind set and eyes focused on the Three 9s Tavern Sign.


Right after I take a little detour..

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A storm was raging both over a small settlement and within it. Five very young soldiers had been sent in on a mission. To go in and leave none alive. The soldiers had been told that this settlement was home to a band of raiders. But once the men had entered the town they knew otherwise. These weren't raiders, hell only a few tried to fight back. Most either fled or begged for their lives. But orders were orders. They were to leave none alive. As they made their way throiugh the village breaking into every building and dealing with the inhabitants the shortest of the soldiers kicked open the door that housed the women and children. Hesitated for a moment then began to fire. As soon as the first rounds tore through them, out in the wasteland Cale woke with a start.



"Damnit... Not another one" He muttered. He looked up at the morning sky and sighed. He could still see the faces of the villagers and hear the gunshots and their cries. The dreams were getting worse and worse. Cale was getting scared. He began to envy he robotic companion more and more. Not having to sleep ment not haviong to worry bout nightmares that may very well be real. He looked around and couldn't see her anywhere. He called out. "Hey Ath! Were'd you go?"

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Athina quickly manuvered over a large boulder bafore slipping back into her hiding spot. She had gotten bored of sitting around and trying to listen to the sounds of the night... which were greatly interupted my Cales loud snores. So she had decided to go out exploring a bit. It was sunrise before she had found something to entertain her. A small group of feral dogs tending to their new pup.

Anything new always entertained Athina, and this time there was no exception. She had followed the small pack for quite some time, studying their movements and where they went. At one stage they took on a Redscorpion and ate its remains. Up until now she had not been seen by the pack so she was able to study them in their natural environment. She was so occupied with what she was doing that she diddnt notice just how far she had gotten from the make shift camp.

Suddenly the dogs stopped what they were doing and all started growling towards the one direction. Before Athina could do anything she heard gunfire, and before she knew it the pup was dead.. shortly followed by the others of the pack. Athina stiffned in the crevice of the boulder and froze as a group of raiders ran into her line of sight and started to babbel on about thier last kill. a small stone landed on Athina's nose... thats when she realised there was one standing on top of the boulder that she was hiding in. She paused for a few moments... at first not knowing what to do. As they started to make their own type of camp she realised that simply waiting it iut wasnt a good idea... no.. the only way out of this one was to fight her way through. Slowly, she re-positioned herself so that her right palm was facing up... right at the raider that was standing... she went through her plan again. Content with its outcome she slightly flexed her palm, triggering the plasma canon into action. Her shot found home and destroyed the raider, before the others could think, Athina had jumped out of her hiding spot, landing on the top of the boulder.

Quickly, but effectively she executed her next move and ran up to the decond raider, using his body as a sheild. As his body was satureted with bullets Athina threw him to the side and lunged at the last two raiders, getting up close she forcibly pulled the one raiders limbs out of their sockets and left him to die, before turning to the last.

"DIE!" the female raider shouted before coming at Athina with a chinese assult rifle.

Athina rolled to the side and took cover behind a rock.


Next thing she knew... Athina woke up spreadegled on the floor, scorched ground an indication that someone had launched a missile at them. She rubbed the back of her head and looked around, Pieces of the other raders, including the last, were literally scattered all over. "That was lucky... Whover shot that diddnt have a very good aim..." Luckly the shot was far enough away only to knock Athina out, instead of blowing her to pieces.

She quickly scanned the area ... making sure whoever shot the missile was long gone. Satisfied she got to her feet and looked around. "I wonder how long i was out for? Better yet... i wonder which way Cale is..." Without a clue as to what direction to go, Athina decided to go the way of the rising sun... as she remembered the sun being behind her when she left the campsite.

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Resting his body against one of the train cars, Jacko's arms were crossed and his eyes roved over the people of Providence when they passed. Simple people, living their lives in constant fear of raider attacks and other horrors. Not knowing the pain, the stress, the irrationality thoughts that plagued Jacko's mind. He hasn't eaten in a four days. Not being able to stomach anything edible, or any meat other than that of Human Flesh, his hunger was all that he could think of. And the people of Providence fit his appetite. He caught glimpse of a woman wearing a loose low cut blouse, and a skirt of rags revealing off long slender legs. She was struggling to lift a barrel, tempted to head over and lend a hand, his fiendish desires held him from doing so. The slightest temptation might set him off if he were to close. Low profile.. He thought to himself as he bit his lower lip while he continued to watch her form a distance. Her legs made his mouth water, and as the moments passed he brooded over how she would taste on his lips.


"What ya lookin' at mister?" Jacko looked down and witnessed a small child clinching onto a small cup filled with Brahmin milk. The young boy took small sips of the milk.


You're Mom.. Jacko thought. He witnessed the Boy standing with the woman. Her affectionate hold on him gave it away while they were waving out to someone out of his view.


"That woman there." Jacko raised one of his hands ant pointed in the womans direction.


"Why you lookin' at my mom?"


Because I want to eat her.. Jacko thought to himself. He smiled and patted the boy on the head.


"Well it looks like she might need some help. Why don't you help her out?"


"That stuff is too heavy for me. Mommy said I could take a break." The boy said.


"Well... why are you talking to me?" Jacko rolled his eyes as he rested his body back against the train car.


"Well this place is pretty lame. and well.. You and you're friends are the newest people we have had here in a while. And well.. You look hungry.." The boys eyes looked at Jacko's face with a stern stare. He was right. His face, and movement showed sign of fatigue. His hunger was starting to display physically. But it wasn't from a lack of food or water. But the taste of human flesh. Did the boy know this he wondered?


"Well mister.. we got some food over here.. I know you and your friend are going to help my pa get to Lebanon safely. So we prepared you all a meal before you leave."


"I'm not hungry. Just tired. Leave me alone already will ya?" Jacko rose his arm, as if he were going to swat at the child. The boy flinched, spilling his cup of milk onto the ground. his eyes watered preparing to cry. Jacko gave him a cold gaze, as if he were saying Don't you dare cry.. The boy walked away holding his tears back. Jacko laughed as best he could, and looked ahead spotting Daniel heading in the Direction of the Three 9's Tavern.


"Guess we got the job.. Good." Jacko said to himself.


Might be able to eat someone out there..

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Scar sat at the bar sipping his whiskey it tasted cheap and watered down but it'll have to do he thought.


"Ah.... I need to go get some Jet, take my mind off of the job for a while. There has to be a junkie around here somewhere"


"You say junkie stranger?" asked a man behind Scar


"Yeah whats it to you?" "I got some Jet whole case of it to, only 1000 caps stranger" "I'll bite at 500 caps"


"Oh alright, but just so you know Jet is illegal around here the guards charge anyone in possession 1000 caps and 2 weeks in jail" "What ever. I need my high" "Alright stranger I'll take your caps now so you wont try to kill me and steal the jet"


Damn thought Scar I have 700 caps and I need that for women and whiskey what ever I need my Jet


"Good sir meet me in the alley way 'hind the bar in 5 minutes"



5 min. later.


"You got the jet hand it over" "Yes sir"


The junkie kneels down and picks up a case. He opens it and pulls out an 10mm pistol.


"Dammit you ba$tard! I'll kill you!" shouted Scar BAM! a shot went off Scar hit the ground bleeding heavily


"Your under arrest for an attempt to buy illegal drugs"



The undercover guard walked over to him not a second later the gaurd hit the ground a knife stuck in his head


"Well Slasher, seems you saved me again. Ah got to get some stimpacks mabye Daniel or Jacko have some."

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The shadowy figure brushed his greasy black hair from his eyes as he staired down the iron sights of his rifle and pulled the trigger and three ear-splitting gunshots pierced. Five-hundred yards away an empty nuka-cola bottle shattered into countless pieces. Zephyr rose from his target practice his acrid cloak billowin in the slight Tenessee breeze smoke still curling from his ill-begotten chinese assault rifle. The juevenille deathclaw opened one eye and leered at him with a mixture of agitation and respect. Mars rose reluctantly from his comfortable lounging position and growled in a gravelly voice, "Now what?"


"We head into town of course old friend." Zephyr said his voice could be honey or a whip but most often it was an indescribable tone of indifference and the only amount of feeling put into his words now was compassion in his last two.


Mars yawned and began walking North up the small rise they had been on towards the ruins of Memphis muttering his discontent at having his nap cut short. Zephyr shouldered his rifle and fingered the bent pendant hung around his neck beneath his shirt.

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As Daniel began to head to the Bar, the faint sound of a gunshot threw him off. His eyes looked weary and his hand slowly inched down to his sidearm. The town was known for its quiet and peaceful nature, and since his crew arrived a day earlier they haven't encountered any ruffians. Scar.. Daniel thought. He knew of Scars past, his reputation as a Jet fiend often got him into trouble in populated settlements, this one being no different. Daniel searched the area, and headed towards the direction where he heard the gunshot from. He slowly crept down the alleyway, carefully making sure no one witnessed him.


"What did this one do Scar? Cheat you out of a fix?" Daniel smirked as he stepped closer, and viewed upon the downed man resting in a pool of blood.

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"Gotta get the hell away from Daniel" muttered Scar "He ain't gonna like the fact I just killed someone"


"There He is!" shouted a Guard "Freeze put your hands up!"


"Well lookie here we got us a guard" "Why don't ya' put that gun down for ya hurt yourself"

Scar pulls out his knife slowly the guard kept his eyes locked on Scar reaching for his pistol.


"Look son you don't want to do that just drop the knife we can just"

He was cut off by Scar shooting him with the 10mm pistol he picked off the junkie


"Why?" asked the guard gasping for his last breaths


Scar walked toward him slowly full of pride "I'm a killer its what I do. God I'd be dead right now if Daniel hadn't taken me in. But I still love to kill"


Bam! the guards head exploded in a beautiful array of blood and brains Scar didn't even blink as the shot went off and blood spattered across his face he licked it off his lips.


"Damn is Daniel gonna be pissed" said Scar laughing

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