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Fallout: The Rejects


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Daniels eyes skimmed the town for a moment, realizing no one cared, or showed concern towards the collapsing woman. He knelt down his side and looked her up and down. shreds for clothes, battered feet and bloodied wrists grabbed his attention. He hadn't noticed her since he arrived in town, it having such a small populous, so he correlated that she wasn't a local. Daniel looked to the bar, which was a few feet away, then sighed as he brought his attention back to the woman.


"You alright there..?" Daniel said in a soft voice, trying not to startle her. He could see that she was breathing, so gently placed his hand on her shoulder in an attempt to grab her attention.

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Matoaka came back around to consciousness what seemed like hours later, When the sky was darker, Night must be falling was her first thought, But she soon realized she was not alone, There was a man she vaguely remembered seeing before blacking out. She could not figure out why she was trembling so badly. Her eyes shifted around rapidly, As if in shock; The man gave her an odd look, As she began mumbling things he clearly did not understand, To which she began to faintly laugh at her bemusement. She continued to mumble endlessly, With an exhausted smile adorning her face, But the words fell on deaf ears, As the man either did not hear her, Did not understand her, Or simply did not care. He looked to be the mercenary type, Perhaps her captor did hire someone, And she were now caught..


"So long as laws shall exist that create hells midst civilization, So long as men degraded, Women ruined, And children afraid. So long as ignorance, Poverty, And wretchedness be on this Earth..." She said, Shortly before succumbing to being sleep deprived, And fell asleep, Just as several mercenary types entered the city, Obviously looking for someone, Or something, And nothing good about them.

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"Why do I always get stuck with the crazy ones.." Daniel muttered to himself as he heard the faint rambling leave the womans lips. He shook her again trying to wake her, but soon after he heard grim voices asking questions around the town. Without turning his view towards the nearby commotion, he cautiously lifted the girl up over his shoulder and headed to the narrow alleyway past the bar where he caught a glimpse of Jacko resting against the wall.


"Well well well.." Jacko said.


"Scar can't kill anyone.. I can't eat anyone" Jacko freed his crossed arms and raised his right hand at daniel, pointing his finger out at him.


"But YOU can go around knocking up women!"


"What?! I didn't do thi-" Daniel paused for a moment, stepped deeper into the alley.


"I have the feeling this ones a run away." Daniel said as he propped her at the end of the alley furthest away from the street. Jacko quickly swooped down and ran his fingers through her long black hair.


"Are you sure she isn't dead?" Jacko uttered out. He licked his dry lips as he glanced over her tattered clothes.

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Matoaka began woke up when she felt fingers running through her hair, Much the same way her captors did, This alarmed her greatly. She began to look around, When she noticed two men, Both giving off an ill feeling. One man, Who was sitting against the wall proximately to her left, Who had his fingers in her hair, And was peering at her, With apparent desire for her, But He, Nor the man standing noticed she was awake. Matoaka was frightened, And was in denial, Jumped up and backed into a corner. From the look on her face, She obviously was not fully aware of her situation, And quite oblivious to the 'de facto' world. She was obviously frightened, And vehemently shook, Her eye movement rapid, And a pale complexion about her, No doubt from a mixture of Starvation, Sleep deprivation, Dehydration, And Exsanguination.
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"Well she isn't dead.." Jacko said. He smiled while he looked into the startled woman's face, then rubbed his hands together. Daniel shook his head and watched the woman. He could make out that she was scared, and had no idea who they were. He scratched at his five o'clock shadow then slowly approached her, pushing Jacko harshly to the side. Daniel questioned himself, on whether or not it was a good idea to bring her over. But if the men were in fact looking for her, he could at least do what he can to keep her from their reach.


"If she really is a run away we could always use an extra pack mule around here." Jacko said jokingly. Daniel turned to him and balled up his fist preparing to punch him. He sighed then brought his attention back to the woman.


"Listen.. we aren't going to hurt ya." Daniel waved his hand cautiously at her, then pointed to himself and Jacko in an attempt to clarify that they are no harm to her. Jacko propped himself up against the wall, and crossed his left leg across the right, doing the same with his arms. He snickered softly as he continued to stare at the battered woman. After sniffing at the air as he caught a glimpse of her bloodied wrist. jacko bit his lower lip and shook his head trying to hold back impure thoughts. Daniel tried to make eye contact with the woman. He features were pale, and weak. Possibly from the lack of water he thought, so he reached into his satchel and pulled out a half full bottle of purified water. After unfastening the top he held it out to her and shook it gently.


"You look like you could use a friend right now. Drink. Trust me its some of the best water you'll find out here." Daniel said calmly.

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"There mabye thatl shut Daniel the hell up" said Scar after putting the bodys in the empty dumpster" He never messes with anybody but me ah.. Better get to that gas station"


At the gas station Scar has his gun at his own head yelling at himself to pull the trigger but he cant he wont


"DAMMIT!" "Why cant I do it take one less bad guy out of this world"


Scar looks up a blank expression floods over his face he sees his mother standing there shaking her head


"Mother?" "MOTHER!" all turned black as she kept shaking her head


"Rayn you must survive to see the truth"

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Cale starred at the now destroyed building. After afew minute we walked away without saying anything else to Athina till they made it to town hours later. They stood in front of an Inn and Cale handed Athina some Caps. "Alright look... Just go in and rent us a room for atleast a day alright? Means i don't want to see any explosions or hear any screaming alright? Try to act a little civilized for me alright? I'm gonna go find a trader and see if we can't get some supplies or something.


After a few minutes he came across an interesting sight. Two men had a woman cornered in a backalley. Cale let out a sigh and mumbled to himself. "And here i told Ath not to get in any trouble and what am i about to do?" He turned around and began to stroll down teh alley way towards the two men. "You know... When someone sees two men in some alleyway cornering a woman that looks to scared to even run away.... It doesn't exactly bring to mind anything pleasant. So either you two leave her alone and go about your day. Or..." He quickly pulled out his pistol and aimed it at the men. "The grave diggers earn themselves a few caps."

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Athina nodded and watched Cale go. She paused a moment befor entering the inn, the realisation coming to her that maybe blowing up the car wasnt the usual human act... dispite the many instances she has witnessed things go boom.

She walked into the Inn, but paused at the door as she witnessed a burly man at the bar dragging the head of another amaller looking guy across the bar, before pulling back on his shirt and slamming him to the ground. She studied the scene for a moment before deciding to ignore the drunken brawl and headding for the bar. She approached the owner of the inn and payed him for the room for a day as Cale had asked. The atmosphere in the place was starting to heat up and she decided it would be best to leave while people werent flying out the doors. On the way to the door one of the men on the floor grabbed at the ankle and tried to pull her down. however because of her weight, he was unable to to make her budge. Athina looked down with a confused look on her face, and promptly shook her leg, accidentally sending the guy flying to the other side of the bar. "Oops..." Before she could recat, the drunken bar brawl came to her. Some poor man tried to punch her in the face, only to find out that her face was quite solid. Athina promptly grabbed the man who started the fight by the collor of his shirt and threw him out the door.... only she diddnt realise that the door was still closed. But the sound of shattering wood made that apparent. Suffice to say that was quite enough to stop the fight, everyone going back to what they were doing as if nothing had ever happned. Athina took the oppertunity and slipped out of the bar before Cale heard the noise.

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It had been nearly two weeks since ZEphyr and Mars had taken off from Memphis and talked to the gang, they had made it to their destination, a small po-dunk town. They walked past an inn with loads of stares at Zephyr with his shiny battle rifle and cloak of deathclaw hide, but Mars got far more he walked ignoring everyone a little girl dropped her doll not far from him and Mars stooped, picked it up gave it to the girl and gave her a toothy grin as best he could, "There you go little one." The mother shrieked but the daughter thanked Mars and laughed at her mother along with Zephyr. such a tiny town made them stick out like a sore thumb but they could easily handle hemselves, small towns may mean conspicuousy but it also means theres not likely to be anyone to give you trouble that can actually back it up.


Walking through town they looked for the man they were sent to speak with but instead got sprayed with splenters as an inn door shattered next to them when they walked past, the unfortunate drunkard who hit mars was promptly tossed in the general direction of a guard to be arrested. Zephyr stepped into the bar and pulled out his SABR and shot tree rounds inot the ceiling with Mars letting out one of those Deathclaw gutteral roars.


"HEY! What the Hell is goin on here?" Zeph said authoritatively then he saw Athina, he involuntarily let his jaw drop for a split second he hadn't seen a android since Harkness in Rivet City and Harkness wasn't near the caliber of Athina he immediatley recognized the benefit of traveling with her. A nearby drunk grabbed for him and he smashed the but end of his rifle into his face knocking the man unconcious. He walked calmly to Athina, "Hello, ordinarily I'd beat all of these idiots to a pulp for you but I can see you're more than capable of handling yourself, nonetheless would you like a hand...or two? Name's Zeph by the way, and my scaly compatriot is Mars."


Mars grabbed a man who was reaching for a gun and slammed him into a wall so hard it shook the building. "Or you know you can just sit back and watch us take care of these morons...and obviously bigots." Mars grinned he liked shocking people when he met them by speaking, hardly anyone expects a talking Deathclaw that's actually more coherant than a babbling parot.

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"Damn" sighed Scar "When are we leaving this peace of $h!t town and going on I've been in this damn godforsaken place forever"


"Damn I'm hungry I'm gonna go kill something"


Scar walks out of the gas station with his rifle in hand almost immediately he sees a track familiar to say the least


"Deathclaw" Scar spitted out "I'll kill it later now I gotta find food"


Scar begins walking off till he arrives at a hill and sees a pre-war store


"A store hmm..."

Inside the Store...




"What the hell was that?" Scar whispered to him self

He rolls under a table and watches as a Super-mutant walks around the corner armed with a gatling laser. It was bigger than an overlord smaller than a behemoth


"Must be a mega mutant" "WHAT WAS THAT!!" said the sper mutant in his regular but screaming voice




Scar pulls out his 357. BAM! the super mutants leg falls off bleeding BAM! it's head was the next to fall off it fell dead




10 super mutant masters surround Scar armed with miniguns


"Well I'm fu(ked"

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