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Fallout: The Rejects


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Athina let out a grinn and tilted her head slightly to the side. "i guess you right. The thing only really has a range of a few meteres... the people have to be close enough to see me atleast." When Cale put his hands on her shoulder her grin widned slightly. "Thank you." her voice had lowered slightly, without her even noticing it.


Grey peered around the wall and let out a sigh as she examined the town "Yet another run down sh*t hole of a town..." She turned back to lean agaisnt the outer wall of the city and grinned she he heard Luke over the radio. she let out a chuckle. she took the radio from her pocket on the right side and lifted it to her mouth, "Bout time you called in... was starting to wonder if you had forgotten about me." she said rather jokingly. "And if i had told you where i was going, wouldnt that ruin the effect if i told you that i found this rundown beat of a town before you?" she chuckled "im by the south enterance... so theres a good chance you probably can't see me if you had kept your corse. I don't see whats so special about this town in the first place... why were we here again?"

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The savage pack of slavers were a devilish enigma to the Town of Providence. The 5 men coursed around the town, asking the people if they've seen their mark. They Systematically guarded one another with their assault rifles aimed from the hip, out towards anyone getting close as they interrogated the towns folk. Suddenly, one of the gaurds jumped, after hearing the shots of a 357. caliber weapon go off. They investigator the noise, enjoying the fact that no guards scattered to do the same. When they got to the source of the noise, the 5 slavers aimed their weapons at Scar, witnessing the dead bodies around him. The Slaver Leader laughed harshly, then lowered his weapon.


"You kill good.." The lead Slaver said.


"So lets not make an enemy of one another.." The lead Slaver snapped his fingers, and another pulled free a bag of caps. The slaver tossed the bag of caps towards Scars feet.


"Its a small town. So I'm sure you've seen things people in my Line of work might be looking for." The Slaver tugged at his Belt, allowing the Slave Collars to dangle.


"Looking for a girl. Ran off. If she had any brains in her she would be here in this lil' town. So that there is 500 caps. Tell us what you know, and We wont have to Scatter you're brains on the ground.."




Jack whistled jollily as he snapped the two whiskey bottles against each other. He craved only for blood and flesh, but knew the effects it had on Daniel. Loosen em up a bit.. Wont be such of an ass.. Jack thought. But he was curious all the same on the effects it may have on the young girl Daniel preserved back to good health. He was of course, attracted to her. But feeling she wouldn't have the same perceived outlook, Jack would rather inebriate the poor girl than to take the time to figure her out. An injurious thought, he knew. As Jack headed towards the Alleyway he bumped into Daniel, who had a dismayed look across his face. He nearly dropped the bottles, But Daniel's quick reflexes stopped it from happening.


"Nice man.." Jack said as Daniel handed him one of the bottles. Daniel examined the other bottle of whiskey. and read the label out loud. Daniels eyes Crossed Jack n smirked.


"For me right? You're too kind.. So that one is for?" Daniel lowered his eyes to the other bottle and then back up to Jack. The bottle wasn't filled with Blood. Daniel thought.


"It's for me." Jack replied.


"But you don't - Oohh..." Daniel shook his head, realizing what Jacks intentions may be. But shook them out knowing he wouldn't let it come down to that.


"Good luck with that. So wheres Scar?" Daniel asked hesitantly. The fact alone that Jack wasn't watching him made it uneasy to say.


"male without a father left me in bar. Blamed me for some robbery I didn't commit! I'm tellin' ya Danny, that Scar freak is gettin on my last ne-" Daniel paused Jacks contemptuous talk towards Scar, and looked past Jack's shoulder. He could see 5 heavily armed and armored men. Slaver - he could see their collars. And they were questioning Scar. Daniel guided Jack to the side, after mouthing out the words slaver quietly. They headed back towards the alleyway in search of the girl. They found nothing.


"Thanks alot Jack. You scared, your girlfriend away." Daniel said sarcastically as he handed the bottle over to Jack. Daniel equipped his custom R91 Assault rifle, and after cocking the hammer back, he tilted his head to the side and moaned.


"I think its time we get out of this town don't you think?" Daniel said.

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The slavers surrounded him with their weapons. they were relaxed the perfect time to strike Scar thought. Steal the caps off their dead bodies. but no to dangerous. If He died now the bounty will never be collected. Scar looked down to his feet, and picked up the bag of caps. he opened it up and smiled as he jingled the bag of currency.

"Ah nothing like a bit of caps to refresh the memory yeah I seen a girl like that she traveling with an associate of mine i can set up an ambush site if you want, hell you can take the rest of em' if you want just 500 for the ambush and 50 for one of em' so you want it?" asked Scar.

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Zephyr and Mars had packed and were almost out of sight of the town when Zephyr on an impulse turned and caught the figure overlooking the town lower his binoculars and pull out a two-way radio. "Well, well, well. Another player is added to the game." Zephyr commentd.


"Indeed but I have to wonder with all this if this is more connected than we once thought. A group of outcasts tramping through the wastes looking for work suddenly the target of Regulators, Talon, and the Memphis big shots as well as who knows else. This is odd. I don't like it." Mars said wearily.


"Perhaps this one will be more friendly than the others. Only one way to find out." Zephyr suggested.


"Alright but this time shut up and let me do the talking." Mars glared playfully as Zephyr shrugged then they made their way towards the cloaked man.

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Cale smiled at Ath. "See? Everything will be alright. You really need to learn to relax a bit more. All that worrying can't be good for you." He let go of her shoulders and grinned. "Now.. Let's go find us a paycheck." He turned around and began searching for that Daniel guy in the hopes that the guy would have a farily decent sized bounty on him. But if not, then maybe they could strike up a deal with him. After all, people with bounties on there heads can never have too much protection.



Luke groaned. "Yep.... Exactly like Colton." He spoke into the radio. "I already told you. It's not the town we're interested in. It's someone who may have been there. Now just stay there and wait for me. And let me know if you see anyone slightly shorter than me with blues eyes. One light the other dark. He's supposed to be traveling with a..." He stopped talking as he saw a rather odd sight. A man and a Deathclaw were walking straight towards him. "Grey.... I'm gonna have to get back to you.... Got a local and a deathclaw heading my way... Either this guy's lucky enough to tame one without getting ripped to shreds..... Or i'm gonna be a little late." He let go of the talk button and put the radio back into his jacket. The jacket that looked exactly like the ones that Enclave officers wear. Regardless of how many people viewed the Enclave Luke wasn't about to part with it. The jacket was one of the few things he had left to remind him of the life he had, And the reasons he kept searching. He thought about making a dash towards the city but he had learned years ago that Deathclaws were pretty hard to outrun. As the two got closer he waved at them. He called out to them in a friendly manner. "Hi there. Nice day isn't it?" He put one hand behind his back and reached for his Pancor jackhammer that he had strapped to his back. Hoping that he wouldn't have to use it.

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Matoaka grabbed the components and clenched them closer to her chest as the man took a step forward, she darted out of the building. She ran for a good few minutes before tripping over a stump on the outskirts of town. Matoaka needed several rare components to build a moderately powered computer, capable of connecting to any satellites still up in orbit, at least the ones that still worked. She looked around for shelter so she could begin her work, she found a cave that appeared to be deserted, and entered it, immediately setting up work.
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Athina smiled and let out a nod. "been ahwile... and i have a good idea by the way that man was acting that its quite pricy." she moved carefully to the side and guestured Cale to lead the way.


Grey let out a sigh and rolled her eyes for a moment, "Well you better get your ass here soon... you know how i love standing around doing nothing..." she paused after having a short laugh at his last words, "if you need backup... go ahead and ask." she said rather jokingly.... knowing that it was more likely for it to rain purewater bottles before he would actually ask for help. she let out a sigh and lent back onto the outer walls and rested her hands behind her head, closed her eyes and blocked out all the unnesisarry sounds around her and tried to listen in on other peoples conversations... at fisrt she heard a young couple arguing about some meaningless topic, next she heard two so called 'guards' having a discussion about the recent activity at this local bar. At first she thought it to be nothing until they carried on discussing recent events. she opned her eyes again and lifted the radio to her mouth "Look luke... i think i have a lead here. Im going to head into the town and give it a quick lookover. holler if you need me." with that she placed the radio back into her pocket and slowly walked into the street.

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"Well.. If your friends wont put up a fight, we could always use another round up." The lead slaver said with a look of apathy after Scar's words. The slavers main concern was the girl, but they had no qualms with taking in more profit. The slavers scowled the town, spotting a woman approaching from an adjacent street. she wore a black leather outfit, and had hair with a bright pallid color to it. One of the slavers raised his weapon to his side and pointed towards the out of the way woman.


"What about her? Could go for.. bout 500 caps." The slaver said with a satisfied grin.


"600 - without the leather!" The slaver leader said. The group of slavers laughed while two of the slavers aimed their weapons in the woman's direction. They began to approach her cautiously, ready to make their move. The leader still had his attention on Scar, with the bag of caps. He gestured with his gun to scars direction to get his attention.


"So where are your friends?" He asked scar.


- - -


With his back against the alley wall, Daniel scanned a narrow street corner with the barrel of his assault rifle aimed out towards the direction of the street. The violence that settled in since their arrival had made the town less active. The towns people were spooked. And no eyes were on Daniel and Jack as they stealthy crept down the narrow street corner. They ended up at a blockaded path, that adjoined two buildings. Daniel motioned to the door on their left, ordering Jack to kick the door down. They scrambled into the ruined building, only to find more blockaded pathways, and a flight of stairs. Jack was the first to ascend them; he had his shishkebab rearing and ready anticipating a threat. When they arrived on the upper level, they found themselves in a typical wasteland dwelling. cans of prewar food, scraps of unknown meat and juices laying across the table. a scoped hunting rifle and 32. caliber rounds sat on a table, next to a circular window that overlooked the town. Daniel slowly stepped to it, raised the dim curtain to the side, and peered through the dusty remains of a window.


"Nice view.." Daniel said under his breath as he looked down the abroad street spotting the silver haired woman, wearing an alluring black leather garb. He initially thought she wasn't of concern until he saw the two slavers nearing her. Daniel turned his sight to the main gate of the town, where he saw Roger, the caravan client hiding in the brahmin pins. Shaken scared - and waiting for Daniel and his crew to escort him to Lebanon. Daniel aimed his assault rifle towards the slavers, and carefully watched on, while Jack focused on the stairway.

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"Alright fellas follow me.." Scar leads the three slavers to the alley, in search of the girl. When he gets there, not only did he not find her, but Daniel and Jack were no where to be found. He checked the empty alley searching for a clue, but was utterly confused. "They were here a second ago.."
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